General :: Ssh Permissions For Single User?
Jun 10, 2011
I have a user that can ssh to every computer on our network expect for one. I verified that it has to be the account by having the user ssh from a different computer. the results were the same.
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Aug 10, 2010
I've created Oracle Enterprise 5 Virtual machine. It was running fine but not sure what went wrong and now when ever I reboot the machine, it goes to single user mode. If I enter "init 5" command it boots to multi-user X11 mode without any problem.I checked inittab file and default line has id 5. So it looks OK. What else can be wrong?
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Mar 22, 2010
I'm running debian lenny. Suddenly when I rebooted my system I was unable to login. I type root and the password and it tells me the login is incorrect.If I boot into single user mode, it accepts the password just fine. Looking in the /etc/shadow file, it appears to be fine as well.Running passwd to set a new password sets a new password just fine, i can login to single user mode with the new password, however, I cannot login at a higher runlevel with the password.
If I delete a password in the /etc/shadow file, then try to login as that user, it simply says "Login Incorrect" without even asking for a password.
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Jun 9, 2010
how can i restrict a single particular user from logging into the server not more than 5 times?
The conditions may be:
1) wrong password
2) can login only 5 times on one day etc.
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Oct 27, 2009
Upon OS start-up Debian gives a choice, one is just simply start Debian, another line to start Debian, but with brackets (single-user mode). What's this for? And when and why do you need to use this?
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May 10, 2009
What good does getting into single user mode do?And what's the basic purpose of it , i.e is it maintaining purpose???
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Jan 16, 2010
I'm trying to create a user john with default password 'abcdef'. I used the following command.
useradd john -p abcdef
I can't login with the password. in /etc/shadow file I can see the password in clear text format. how I can create a user along with password.
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Oct 26, 2010
I have just installed Ubuntu on a machine at work and wondered how i can add a new user with the same permissions as the "main user"? I added a user via the "users&groups" gui but sorting permissions looks tricky.
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Apr 26, 2010
I have this dump script that performs either full or incremental backups depending on the day of the week. From what I have read, when using dump you should drop to single user mode to help prevent the backups from being inconsistent before you issue the dump command. What I want is the script to drop to single user mode, perform the backups using dump, and then go back to runlevel 3 after the backups complete.
I know when you enter init 1 to drop to single user mode, but doing so within a script reboots the computer and drops it to single user mode and the rest of the script doesn't complete.What would be a good method for me to be able to accomplish what I want to do? Do I need to run other scripts that would call mine?I am running Centos 5.4
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Jul 10, 2010
I am doing rhce course but i am very confused to answer these user and group permissions.the questions are like this...the owner of the /data must be user tom.primary group of /data must be the group sysadmins.the members of the group test must be able to write and create files in the /data.the members of the group web have no access to these directory.the user jack not belong to any of these gropus must have to edit files created in /data.the user tim can only list the contents.
the questions are always like these..i am okay with sgid and sticky bit.but i dnt know where to set default acl and other permissions.
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Jul 12, 2010
I want to make sure that the user www-data cannot be used to login on my system (Ubuntu Lucid). How can I find out? - is there a command I can run against this user? (traditionally run by Apache daemon)
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Aug 16, 2011
I have a user on my CentOS server who is not part of any group, just by themselves.
How can I give that user 777 permissions without affecting any other user on the server? I have chroot off, so I can see everything, but the user cannot write.
Do I use chown?
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Mar 25, 2011
I'm just working on fedora for the first time for my proj. So having many difficulties. My first doubt is that is it possible to record audio in single user mode using fedora? I need it for my proj work..I tried arecord and rec in single user mode.. I'm getting an error stating pulse audio connect error. Connection refused..
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Jul 13, 2011
I followed instructions to enter single user mode by adding single at the end of kernel line but after that it doesn't ask for root password but brings up the sh# prompt. Isn't that supposed to be insecure? I understand for this the grub password can be applied but even after adding "single" it should ask for root password..or it should not..??
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May 20, 2010
I'm beginning to deal with more than one user on my system (it's a VPS serving some sites) and I need to make sure I understand how group permissions work. I have an account named "admin" .. it's basically the primary account that is used for serving most of the sites that I control myself. Now, I added a second account named "Ville" as one of my users wants to be able to administer that site. So, I can do this the easy way and just chown their domains folder under the ville user, they have permission to do whatever they need be and so forth. However, let's say I want to also give the admin user access to the files (modifying and all) .. how can I put both users into the same group and give them both permission?
I've tried doing:
sudo usermod -a -G admin ville
To add the ville into the admin group, but ville still cannot edit files by admin. Permissions for the primary directory for the ville user are read/write for both owner and group, and the current group for the files is admin:admin ..
But ville still can't write into the directory. So, what should I be doing here to get this right and secure at the same time?
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May 25, 2010
i wonder, why nobody has written about it ...
How can i grant permission for files to specific user or specific group ??
We have 3 groups: "g12" ("u1" and "u2), "g34" and "g56".
"g12" should only read the file.
"g34" should write and read it.
"g56" should have all permissions (rwx).
And others should not access the file at all.
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Mar 30, 2011
I am trying to setup 2 individual FTP users. They should both have access to the same directory. They both need to be able to read/write into the directory. But, I want them not to be able to write to each other's files (e.g. delete, remove, rename, etc.).
So let's say the shared directory is: /home/ftp/shared/
UserA needs read/write access to /home/ftp/shared/. UserA should only have write access to his own files. UserB also needs read/write access to /home/ftp/shared/. UserB should only have write access to his own files.
It would be a unix box of sorts, but that is the only restriction. I could use whatever software. I am currently thinking pure-ftpd or vsftp but I am open to all ideas.
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Mar 23, 2011
I was unable to change the permissions for root node and for other users also. WE have tried all the possibilities like chmod and chmod -R 777 filenem. But we are unable to change that.
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Aug 9, 2010
What's the difference between user permissions & users rights in linux.
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Mar 22, 2010
After I edit /etc/group and I add a user to groups it didn't belong to, the user will not be able to use it's newly acquired privileges unless it starts a new session. Is there a command to refresh user/group properties in an ongoing session?
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Jul 4, 2011
There are some user-space based NFS clients (e.g. NFS Client library). Can I bypass file permissions by using such client? code...
Client1 uses usual NFS client (kernel-mode based) and user1@client1 can read only file1, but not file2.
As I understand, client1 sends uid in nfs request, server1 do a permissions check based on the request data. So, I suggest this is possible to have a client2:
Client2 uses user-space client, and hacker@client2 knows uids of user1 and user2; If he wants to read file1 he can send uid of user1; if he wants to read file2, he sends uid of user2.
Is the scheme possible?
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Aug 8, 2011
How can I mount a device with specific user rights on start up? I still have some problems figuring it out. I would like to mount the divide with uid=1000 and gid=1000. My current entry to the /etc/fstab/ file looks like this:
dev /var/www vboxsf rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, async, uid=1000
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Jan 30, 2010
I'm struggling to understand an aspect of mounting and mountpoints with /etc/fstab. There is a large number of sites and threads that make recommendations using things like uid, gid, umask, and other options. These methods, however, which I've used, are file-system specific, useful only for filesystems such as (V)FAT and NTFS that allow them.My current situation is that I am mounting partition /dev/sdb5 in, let's call it /media/myMount. My goals:Mount this partition automatically upon boot using /etc/fstab...The partition should be fully accessible only to a specific user or group.What I've done is create the mount point in /media:
If user michapma were to carry out the mount, I believe it would work; however, I want the mount to happen automatically during boot. So, how can I achieve my user (or group) permission goals for this and any other such partitions using fstab?The manpage for mount has been helpful, but after reading many tutorials and forum threads, the only way I know how to do it is to have the user do the mounting or rely on the file-system specific options.
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Jul 6, 2010
I have a few FTP users on my linux server(running vsftpd). They all have their own directory and can upload and delete files in that folder.Now, I was wondering whether it would be possible to create special permissions/rights for users. For example, I would like to make it so that certain users could not upload .exe files, or I want a certain user to only be able to upload image files (gif, jpg).
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Mar 21, 2010
I'm using ubuntu 9.10. I used the command:
root@aduait-laptop:~# sudo chown -R root:root /media/104B-FF96/Private to set the permissions of Private folder for root but it is giving error:
root@aduait-laptop:~# sudo chown -R root:root /media/104B-FF96/Private
chown: changing ownership of `/media/104B-FF96/Private/5.jpg': Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of `/media/104B-FF96/Private/6.jpg': Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of `/media/104B-FF96/Private/7.jpg': Operation not permitted
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Jun 1, 2010
I am trying to run a cron job as an oracle user. I put the user in the cron.allow file but it still won't run. Other users are able to run a cron job though. I think it's the way the oracle user was created and I wanted to recreate it. However it owns a lot of other file systems as well as the database. Is there a way to recreate or reset the oracle account without impacting what is currently in place?
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Sep 20, 2010
After Days of trying to install Nagios, I eventually got everything working fine ! The only problem now is I get the following error message on the nagios web interface: "It appears as though you do not have permission to view information for any of the services you requested... If you believe this is an error, check the HTTP server authentication requirements for accessing this CGI and check the authorization options in your CGI configuration file."
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Sep 10, 2010
What is the single command that will remove all 'other'permissions from all files and directories under /home.
Just starting to learn Linux.
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Oct 6, 2010
I want to simply mount an ext4 file-system onto a normal mount point in Ubuntu (/media/whereever), as read-writable for the current logged-in user, i.e. me.
I don't want to add anything into /etc/fstab, I just want to do it now, manually. I need super-user privileges to mount a device, but then only root can read-write that mount. I've tried various of the mount options, added it into fstab, but with no luck.
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Dec 1, 2010
My linux workstation recently crashed. After rebooting, Linux (Red Hat 5.3) will not boot properly and automatically went into emergency mode or recovery mode i think. I can still see my /home/user/ and all the files inside.I boot from CD to rescue mode and tried mounting read-only the /dev/sd5 which contains the files in the crashed hard disk to try to copy out my files but mounting was unsuccessful (invalid argument). I checked the filesystem type using fsck -N /dev/sda5 and shows it to ext2. i tried to mount another known working hdd and was successful.
My question is why in emergency mode, the crashed hdd is able to be mounted automatically as read-only but cannot be done in rescue mode thru a bootable CD?Is there any special mount options used in emergency mode?I also cannot copy out in emergency mode booting from the crashed hard disk as everything is read only.
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