General :: Sed Syntax To Remove Xml
Mar 13, 2011I'm trying to sanitize this output from it's metadata to plug this output into GreekTools, but I am getting stuck on sed.
View 2 RepliesI'm trying to sanitize this output from it's metadata to plug this output into GreekTools, but I am getting stuck on sed.
View 2 RepliesI have a couple of files which follow this syntax:
and delete the others. or maybe move them to a subdirectory to be safe...
When ever i open vim, i get the error that the following error: E484: Can't open file/abcd/configFiles/vim/syntax/syntax.vim There was a .vimrc file in my home folder that i have removed.
Still i keep getting the same error. Presently in my home folder there is no .gvimrc or .vimrc file.
But still i keep getting the same error. I am not too sure where this file is mentioned.
Background info: The SHELL has been changed from tcsh to bash Earlier i had created a .vimrc file in tcsh, i have removed the .vimrc in bash SHELL.
I am a Novell (now defunct) CNE tring to learn Linux and am having a lot of trouble finding out where the WB 6-6 is wrong in the syntax for adding local4... the the syslog-ng config file. In the instructions there are discrepancies between commas and simi-comma, they are both in the statements in no particular order. there is no pattern to them. Here is what the book shows:
filter f_local4debug { level(debug) and facility(local4); };
When I try to input this in the Gnome terminal window to try and find out where it goes wrong I get the following: -bash: syntax error near unexpected token "(" If I can get the correct syntax I belive I can use the info to get past the rest of this portion of the lesson. I am desperate to learn Linux as the only jobs out there for a Novell CNE are migrations to MS, which really sucks, since MS really really sucks.
When I am adding removing packages to get more hard drive space, this is not the first time I left too many pages open and it crashes on me. My son would fix it by typing in the terminal sudo something, but I want to know how to do this. The only thing not working is the add/remove packages at the moment. Here is what it said, E:dpkg was interrupted you must manually run 'dpkg--configure -a' to correct the problem E: _cache-open()failed please report. Please, could someone tell me how to get the default back or whatever. When I type in the terminal, it refused my password until I tried several times, plus, it finally says in the terminal No such command. Bash. No such command. I am hoping this question is one you do recognize the answer for.
I tried using Yum to remove the package. Like this:
To remove or uninstall a package:
yum -y remove ,package name>
Terminal goes: Bash syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
I have a project directory that contains source code and subdirectories of source code. I want to use the Unix program find to search recursively for the names of files of certain extensions. The versions of find on Linux and Mac OS X behave differently.
# Works in Linux
find . -type f -regex ".*.(py|html)$"
# Neither of these works in Mac OS X
find . -type f -regex ".*.(py|html)$"
find . -type f -regex ".*.(py|html)$"
How do I write this command so that it will run on Mac OS X (and hopefully on Linux too)?
I have a requirement to check the following conditions..If my folders are not A and B then list files in the directory else no listing the filesso my if loop is some thing like this.
if [ $dirName = "C" && $dirName != "A" && != "B" ] then
ls -la
exec, a option of find command, takes a odd format as followsfind ... -exec command {} ;Is there any explaination about why it takes this kind of format, orsome obscure implication?
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor some commands the command synopsis (syntax) is given like this:
command [a|b] [args ...]
I take mplayer (perhaps not GNU) to illustrate the point:
mplayer [cdda|cddb]://track[-endtrack][:speed][/device] [options]
mplayer [dvd|dvdnav]://[title|[start_title]-end_title] [options]
An item inside square brackets is optional. The pipe sign is the 'or' logical connective (disjunction). But then, what is [cdda|cddb]?
If optional, I can omit it: it makes no sense because there are more the one possible synopsis for the command line.
What is wrong with the following ldif file :
dn: dc=mydomain
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
o: My Ldap
dc: mydomain
dn: cn=Manager,dc=mydomain
objectclass: organizationalRole
cn: Manager
Because I get following output :
[root@1 ~]# /usr/bin/ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=mydomain" -W -f /etc/openldap/basic.ldif
Enter LDAP Password:
adding new entry "dc=mydomain"
ldapadd: Invalid syntax (21)
additional info: objectclass: value #0 invalid per syntax
how would the syntax of reverse find be..i want to type a name and then find it and delete it from a file i have?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm working on reorganizing my .bashrc. I moved my aliases to .bash_aliases (which is sourced by .bashrc, but I can't figure out how to enable syntax highlighting for this file. vim seems unable to figure out what language the file is in. It works fine for .bashrc.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMental note: ignore start-up process scroll.
Okay, now MySQL is just being (even more) difficult. Prior to boot's starting MySQL, I notice the line
/etc/rc2.d/S19mysql: line 132: syntax error near unexpected token ')'
Near?? Line 132 consists of
Which is proper, and identical to all the other /etc/rc#.d/S19mysql scripts that don't result in errors. C'mon...!
find /opt/postfix/mail/ ( -iname * -o -iname .* ) ! -type p -exec grep -i -c {}; -xdev -print
When I do this command I receive this error message:
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
I wrote a script to start portal.
Its start portal (not a problem)
Only getting following message:
This is the else before second logic
I understand how to get a file from an another computer using the sftp syntax
So i can get the file abc from comp2 to comp1
But how can I send a file cba from comp1 to comp2 using the sftp(I am still using comp1)
Recently I edited sudoers file and did typing error. Now neither I can do sudo nor change it.
sudo visudo -c
>>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 8 <<<
How I can get correct the sudoers file?
I'm trying to install the Sun Java plugin to use in Chrome. The installation seems to have gone well, but I have hit an error trying to create a symbolic link of the library in the plugins directory of Chrome.
When typing in "in -s /opt/java/jre1.6.0_26/lib/i386/" I get "Syntax error near unexpected token `in' ". I'm not sure what could be wrong, I'm in the right directory.
The following line is in the /etc/bashrc file. It's fedora 8. I know this is meant to configure the prompt but I don't know what the syntax is specifically doing.PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "33]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/~}07"'I think that 33 is the ASCII character for ESC but not sure what ]0 does or anything after the HOSTNAME variable. Are these xterm control characters? All of my Google search results fail to explain it in any kind of meaningful detail.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am writing a simple shell script where it checks the condition using if condition.
if [ $name == "JOHN" ] then admin='YES'; fi
if I use like this I am getting below error
I'm scratching my head over a very simple netcat-based heartbeat monitoring script i wrote.
here we go:
echo `date --utc "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ"` script started
On this Red Hat Box that I am using there is no .vimrc file for the user root. So, I created one and entered only one line to highlight syntax with colors when I am writing scripts in PHP and Bash. But it is not working.
[root@localhost ~]# cat ~/.vimrc
syntax on
I am planning on running a script once every five minutes, and the syntax that comes to mind in doing this is the following:
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 * * * * /apps/<script>.pl
Is there a better syntax to use to accomplish this task, or is the above example the way to go?
I am trying to install vlc media player on my backtrack3 but when i am giving a command xvjf to extract bz2 file then
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
I have a program I use, rrdtool. I need to modify a ds value on every file at the same time. However, using a wildcard (*) to try this operation of all files does not work and instead only updates one file.
Here is the command syntax:
rrdtool tune <file> --maximum traffic_in:100000000000 && rrdtool tune <file> --maximum traffic_out:100000000000
So, how can I do this on every file in the directory?
I just joined LinuxQuestions and find no Forum specific to command-line syntax questions, so I'll post it here. Here is the question. I can use:
cp -vr --parents /a/b/c/this /x/y
to create a directory /x/y/a/b/c/this containing this and everything under this.
But how could I create a directory x/y/b/c/this (ie omitting a)? I could MOVE to /a/ and then use
cp -vr --parents b/c/this /x/y
but I really don't want to do the MOVE (and can think of circumstances where I might not be able to).
I'm really looking for something exactly similar to the
switch that allows one to make a virtual move to the directory DIRECTORY before commencing the tar operation.
I have been trying to get the following code to run.
However I am getting the following error:
Is there something that I am missing in the script? I have it as a unix file and tried to make sure that I did not have any extra characters.
I've been trying to find a bug in this test script, but haven't been able to so far. I'm not lazy, I promise...just new to Bash so am having a hard time catching syntax errors. I call the script with the option -disableVenusBld, and it still prints "Starting build", which it shouldn't be doing right?
I know it's possible to change the $ user@hostname colors, but is it possible to color different things? Could I make all numbers/integers a certain color. Or set certain keywords to be bold?
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