General :: Sar Output For A Particular Day?

Mar 8, 2010

I have to output a sar report which was created on Mar 1 and am trying with

sar -f sar01
sar -o sar01

i can use to extract the output from sa01. Further any link to learn the "SAR"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: When Click On Perference Then Sounds And Go To The Output Selection It Has Only Dummy Output As A Option?

Apr 29, 2010

I cant seem to get the sound working and when I click on perference then sounds and go to the output selection it has only dummy output as a option.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: KMplayer - No Video Output But Can Get Only The Audio Output

Mar 7, 2010

I installed KMplayer but I cant play video files...No video output but can get only the audio output...So how to make this work for videos?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Output - Get HDMI Audio Output To My TV

Jan 25, 2011

Running 10.10 and win 7 on my HP dv6-2150us laptop and I'm having a few issues.

First how do I get HDMI audio output to my TV? I think I have just a integrated Intel graphics card. It works fine in windows but I can't seem to get it to work in Ubuntu. I tried searching but couldn't find anything pertaining to this issue.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Select MP3 As An Output Output Option?

Jan 6, 2011

I am sure that this is very simple but I have installed sound juicer and the gstreamer plug ins. The problem is i still cannot select MP3 as an output output option

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Ubuntu :: Audio Output Will Not Output Sound To Speakers?

Jul 19, 2011

I don't know anything about ubuntu. Could you guys help me out. I'm pretty knowledgeable with windows if you guys need a printout of something let me know. My friends getting really frustrated about this. Help!!i

So here's the situation. He plugs his audio jack into his computer and then into the speakers but it still plays from the computer speakers.

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Software :: Audio Output Device Changes To 'dummy Output'?

Mar 27, 2010

I finally got audio working on my ubuntu 9.10 desktop... now I am having sound issues watching movies from a network share.The sound device continually randomly changes to "dummy output device" and then there is no sound output. The sound icon dissapears on the toolbar. To get it back and audio to start working I have to $sudo alsa force-reloadIt seems to happen everytime there is a network delay, the movie will stop for a second and then when it plays the sound is gone

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Software :: Cloning An Audio Output To Another Output?

Mar 4, 2011

Is possible to have two identical sound card outputs? For example, is I want to use two headphones at the same time.

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General :: What Are The Symbols In VDT's Output

Feb 17, 2011

I've been messing with a curses-based disk check tool in Linux called VDT (visual disk test). It puts out a nice little chart on the screen as it's going, but I have no idea what each unit of output on the chart means. I've read the man page several times, but there doesn't seem to be any mention of the visual output.

For instance, right now I have a chart that looks like this during a read test. What do the o's and the Z mean?

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General :: Individual Cpu % In 'top' Output?

Jan 22, 2010

Usually to view individual cpu % we press '1' in the interactive mode of top.

However I am not able to figure out the logic to get the same output in batch mode i.e,

top -n1b

I am redirecting this output to a file to view it later and stuff like that, so I need the batch mode. Is it possible? Installing a separate tool for this is not gonna be possible.

I'm looking for an option that I am missing or some way to capture the output.

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General :: Df - Incorrect Output ?

Feb 21, 2010

I just shrink my /home (lvm2 / ext3) and next to a reboot df give me this ouput:



So for my debian 265 + 2.2 = 281 ? the home is suppose to be set to 285 Go and the lv for the home to 285.17 Go

How to fix that? Or if I missed something when I shrink my home.

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General :: Get The Last Line Of An Output?

Jan 21, 2011

I want to write a bash script to run a command and get the last line of the output of that command. For example, the output of "cat /proc/zoneinfo" is:

Node 0, zone DMA
pages free 3948
min 2
low 2


How can I get the last line in a separated format?

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General :: Different Output Of FTP Commands

Jul 31, 2009

I am getting different output of FTP commands in linux and unix. We are migrating an application from unix to linux.

The following output i am getting in unix and linux.

In UNIX 64 the dir command will give the details along with pathname at end ( BOLD )

But in RHEL 5 i am just getting the file name.

Is thery any way to get the pathname in dir command of FTP in RHEL 5.

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General :: Getting The Name Of The Output File?

Nov 2, 2009

have a doubt, suppose in the script i include an exe type of file for ex. ./a.out, which takes input as a pdb file namely 1sn3.pdb, now i want my output text file to contain the name 1sn3.txt , how do i do that using the shell script

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General :: Redirecting Output Of Set -x?

Mar 16, 2011

I have written a script and included the command

set -x
to see what happening when i run the script

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General :: Redirect Output From Dd Command?

Apr 7, 2010

How to redirect output from dd command to /dev/null ?

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General :: Grep - Output Show Only Right Of?

May 17, 2010

I forgot a lot of my command line. I am doing cat file | grep "error" and i would like it to show everything to the right of G:/ including G:/ if possible. I figure its an awk command but i dont know what. I tried awk '{print $8+}' but + does not work like i hoped and guessed.

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General :: Copy Command Output In Vim?

Jul 25, 2010

For example, if I type ':pwd' to get the current working directory, I can select the text in gvim but I can't figure out how to copy it to the clipboard. If I try the same in console vim, I can't even select it with the mouse. I would like this to work with all vim commands, such as set guifont to copy the guifont=Consolas:h10:cANSI output.

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General :: Way To Switch To Mono Output?

Mar 27, 2009

I'm running Debian Lenny, most of the time with KDE 3.5.10. I've got a great old stereo that I'd like to pump my audio through. It sounds fantastic, but it only seems to have one channel. Is there a way I could all my audio output to be mono so that I can get all of the music on one track? I guess there's probably a stereo to mono adapter that will do the trick, but if I can save the trip to Radio Shack, so much the better, right?

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General :: Format The Output Of The Ps Command?

Aug 27, 2010

i am running ps xo "pid,command" but I can't find my process in the results. I know that the process is running because I run ps ax | grep command-name

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General :: Getting Output From GRUB During Boot From USB Key?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a home-brewed Linux system that I've installed on a USB key. I'm plugging this into a laptop. I can tell from what is going on that it has successfully loaded the kernel and is running the shell script that is specified on the "kernel"he GRUB configuration.But... although I can get output from printk() calls in the kernel just fine, I get nothing from "echo" commands (or any other commands) in the initialization shell script. I can see that the commands are being run,t the output is just disappearing into the void.This is problematic because there are other problems, but I can't get debug output to track those down...Given that printk() output goes to the laptop screen as expected, it seems that GRUB must be sending other output to something other than the console, yet the grub.conf configuration is quite simple:

title Test


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General :: How To Disable VGA Output Port

Dec 14, 2010

Is there any way to disable VGA output port in linux. I mean when I plug monitor to VGA port nothing displayed exactly like those times that the system is turned off (disabling all output signal to vga port)

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General :: Kernel(s) Will Not Boot Or Output Anything?

Jan 21, 2011

when I was updating my Ubuntu, the Linux kernel images were also updated (to 2.6.35-x), and the one I was using was removed (2.6.32-x). Since then, none of the 2.6.35-x kernels boot at all. I have upgraded several times, and now have installed 2.6.35-23-generic and 2.6.35-24-generic. Neither boots. I am running 2.6.32-24-generic, but there are no sources or headers for that. I even compiled 2.6.35-7 and 2.6.36, but neither worked either.

After I select the kernel in Grub, the screen goes blank, my hard drive spins a few times, and the screen stays blank, until finally the computer just shuts off. I tried running one of those kernels, and then booting normally after that failed, and looked at /var/log/kern.log. I saw messages from the last time I booted using 2.6.32-24-generic, and messages from when I booted just now (identified by the timestamps), but I could see no messages that took place in between, when the nonfunctional kernel should have been loading.

I really don't know what other information to add. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a Toshiba Satellite A215-S7411. The hard drive is an external hard drive connected with a USB Y cable. like VirtualBox, do not run without having the drivers compiled, and to compile them, I need the kernel headers, which I don't have and are not available in the repositories.

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General :: Piping Output Of List To Cp?

May 16, 2011

I have the following code


ls ~/ | grep ^[[:lower:]]

and would like to take the result of this output and use this as the basis for a cp command to move these files to another folder.

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General :: Bash Command Output?

Feb 12, 2011

What does the following Shell program do ??: () { :| : &} ; :Warning: My computer got hung when i tried to execute this.Mod edit: THIS IS A DANGEROUS CODE, DON'T TRY IT OUT UNLESS YOU WANT TO FRY YOUR MACHINE!

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General :: Df Output To Root's Mail Box

Mar 29, 2011

I'm trying to make a script in my /etc/cron.d directory called df. Anyways, I want to be able to have it run the df command every hour, 23 minutes past the hour. I have the first part, I just need assistance in directing it to roots mail box.

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General :: Display AWK Output In Perl

Feb 8, 2011

I am trying to use awk command in perl. Below is my awk comamnd which works alone.
awk '{Easttot=Easttot+$1} END {print Easttot}' MessagesProcessedEAST2Cnts.dat
I would like to use this awk's output in shell script. I am using system command like below to get the out put. But it is not working.
$Output = system("awk '{Easttot=Easttot+$1} END {print Easttot}' MessagesProcessedEAST2Cnts.dat'");

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General :: What Does Echo $$ Give As Output

Nov 28, 2010

What does echo $$ give as output?

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General :: Can't See The Output Shell In Child

Feb 4, 2010

I have following script.


export VAR="shell"
echo " $VAR in parent "
echo "shell in child "

If i execute this script, the output is just


shell in parent

Why can't I see the output shell in child ?

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General :: Add The Hostname To Output Of Other Command?

Apr 28, 2010

i have a variable called hostname which contains hostname of my machine. How would i add the hostname to output of other command . For eg. if a output of command is . command : xm list


abc 123 334
bcd 223 333
ddd 333 333

How would i add hostname column to it. My output should look like


abc 123 334 hostname
bcd 223 333 hostname
ddd 333 333 hostname

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