General :: Quitting The Showkey Command?

Jun 10, 2010

I ran the showkey command and now I don't know how to get the prompt back. I pressed Ctrl+D and Ctrl+C but is no use.

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General :: Key Is Not Detected In Xev Neither Showkey -k In Ubuntu 10.04 In A Virtualbox VM?

Jun 15, 2010

My question mark key in my keyboard isn't working. ("?"). I've tried to use xev and showkey -k to try to identify at least a keycode and manually use xmodmap to map it. Unfortunately, the keys aren't being detected in neither utilities. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 in a Virtual Machine (VirtualBox 3.2.4 r62467), and my Kernel is 2.6.32-22-generic. My Host is an Ubuntu 8.04.

When I run xev in my host, I get:

KeyRelease event, serial 30, synthetic
NO, window 0x3600001,
root 0x5d, subw 0x0, time 19346721, (726,722), root:(730,746),
state 0x2010, keycode 211 (keysym 0x2f, slash), same_screen YES,
XKeysymToKeycode returns keycode: 61
XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (2f) "/"
XFilterEvent returns: False


What can this be? It's not a special multimedia key, it's a simple one. I would like to understand what exactly is happening so at least I can try to better debug this issue. If it's detected in my host, why it isn't in my guest?

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Software :: Missing Showkey In Puppy 400?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm running Puppy 400, and I have loadkeys, but no dumpkeys or showkey. loadkeys works correctly (successfully swaped Caps lock and Esc) but I'd like to have showkey to help with some other mappings.

Where can I get showkey?

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OpenSUSE :: Quitting The X Server ?

Mar 12, 2010

What's the best way to quit X and go into runlevel 3, line mode? Do you just kill the process or is there a better way? In other words, you log into the graphical environment and then you want to kill X and go into line mode, instead of logging into line mode and starting X. I'm running 10.3

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OpenSUSE :: Restart X Without Quitting KDE4?

May 14, 2010

In order to switch between dual head and single head, I need to log out of KDE4 and log in again immediately, which is annoying. How can I avoid that?

Is it possible to restart X without quitting KDE?

At work, when my laptop is docked, I use a dual head configuration (internal + 1 external screen), but at home I use the laptop without a second screen.

Using the binary nvidia driver, the laptop always selects the correct configuration upon booting (TwinView), but not upon hot-plugging.

I would just like to suspend the laptop and continue before/after commuting.

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Slackware :: Can't Get Pdfedit To Build It Keeps Quitting At Cant Find Qt?

Jul 1, 2011

Slackware 13.37 64 with multilibs I cant get pdfedit to build it keeps quitting at cant find qt

I installed qt3 from slackbuilds and build it

Don't have the exact error as I had to leave my machine at home .

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Ubuntu :: Lock Virtual Terminal Without Quitting The Current Program?

May 26, 2011

vlock works, however it requires that I return to the shell to run it. Is there a way to assign a key combination to run vlock, so the current program doesn't have to be ended?

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Ubuntu :: Sudo: No Valid Sudoers Sources Found, Quitting

May 31, 2011

When I try to use sudo, I get this error message.


sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1000, should be 0
sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting

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Hardware :: "Unable To Open The Initial Device Quitting"

Aug 12, 2010

if I want to print a regular document from the main tray, no problem. If I want to print an 8x11 photo from the main tray. slight problem (might be ink related, still researching that side). But if I want to print a 4x6 or a 5x7 from Linux massive problem Printer: HP Photosmart D5460. Will not print from the Gimp at all, I get the following when I try to print a photo using the Gimp: A page from the main tray with text similar to this:

"****Unable to open the initial device, quitting"

Actually for the last several years under OpenSuSE I have never been able to print a photo from the Gimp. It always prints some text error then quits OR will print the error at the top of every sheet in the tray until the printer either is manually unplugged / turned off OR it runs out of paper. The printer I have is listed as working perfectly according to Open Printing dot org. But none of my applications seem to be able to get the printer tray to operate for the smaller photos. Currently I have to copy the images to a card in the printer then print from the card. Unacceptable if you ask me.[URL]... what photo capable printer out there actually works 100% with OpenSuSE? And I mean I can access all the trays from all the applications I could possibly use, as well as monitor ink levels, perform maintenance and so forth.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 And Command Line Scripts - Error - Android: Command Not Found

Mar 26, 2011

I know my way around MS Windows much better, but I just don't feel right trying to program something for Android on a Microsoft operating system. I am interested in Android programming so I followed the instructions on [URL] to install the environment on my computer...

I just installed the JDK, SDK, Eclipse successfully (or I assume):

* When I get to Step 4 where I'm supposed to run 'android' it will not run. I get the error message "android: command not found" (I am definitely in the right directory).

** When I double-click it in nautilus, it opens up in gedit. I can set the permissions in nautilus (through the properties - Allow executing file as a program) and get it to work,

My system:

Intel i7
Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat
eclipse 3.6.2

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General :: Append Command Output To File By Giving Command In Terminal?

Jul 3, 2009

I am using openSUSE 10.3.When I install software from tarball then to record time required I send output of date to beg.txt(when installation begins) and end.txt (when installation finishes).How can I append output of date to a file so I don't need two files?

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General :: Access The Dbxml From The Command Line And It Returns Command Not Found?

Apr 30, 2011

I installed the Berkeley DB on the Ubuntu server and tried to access the dbxml from the command line and it returns command not found

-bash" dbxml: command not found

Can someone point me in the right direction

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General :: Set Up New Keybinding For Finding Last Command Executed Using The First Few Characters Of The Command In Csh?

Jul 21, 2010

I want to be able to use Ctrl+R to have reverse-i search. Also if I press Shift+Up Arrow after typing the first few characters of a recently executed command then the shell should complete the command by finding the most recent commmand having the same first few characters.

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General :: Bash Command History Update Before Execution Of Command

Jun 7, 2010

Bash's command history is great, especially it is useful when adding the history -a command to the COMMAND_PROMPT.However, I'm wondering if there is a way to log the commands to a file as soon as the Return key is pressed, e.g. before starting the command and not on completion of the command (using the COMMAND_PROMPT option would save the command once the prompt is there again).

I read about auditing programs like snoopy and session recorder like script but I thought they're already too complex for the simple question I have. I guess that deactivating that script logs all the output of the command would lead already in the right direction but isn't there a quicker way to solve that probelm?

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General :: How Does Cp Command Determine Source And Destination Locations In Command?

Apr 14, 2011

When you run the following cp command in the BASH terminal, how does Linux know which files are the source and which are the destination when copying multiple files from one location to another?How does Linux know that the services, motd, fstab, and hosts files are the source and the /home/fred/my_dir is the destination?This question came up in a Linux class and I was not sure of the answer. I was thinking it is based on the source path entered ending with a file path and the destination being a directory, but was not sure.

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General :: Redirecting STDOUT Of Previous Command To STDIN Of Next Command

Nov 20, 2009

i'm trying to redirect the output of a command to the input of the next command. not sure if i'm going about this the right way. an easy method would be just to store the output of the previous command in a file and redirect input to read that file, but i'm curious to see if this can be done without writing to any files.

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General :: What Does This Cryptic Bash Command Mean - Why Command Crashes

Mar 20, 2011

Possible Duplicate: What does this cryptic bash command mean? Why this command crashes Linux? :(){ :|:& };:

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General :: Remote Command Execution Via SSH And Newgrp Command?

May 9, 2011

Up until now I've been using plink to remotely compile a project I'm working on. But recently the administrator from the remote server updated the distribution and messed up some configurations. My project has a lot of scripts written for tc shell (tcsh), and now the default shell is bash. There is no way to change this. Another problem is that now I need to run newgrp to change my default user group.

So... to work around this problem I've changed my .bashrc to run newgrp and then tcsh. If I do a normal connection using SSH, everything works as expected, but when using plink, or SSH to remotely execute commands, the shell gets stuck on the newgrp command. I think it's because both applications need a return value from newgrp to send the command I need to execute. Remotely running scripts that call a shell also get stuck like newgrp (newgrp also opens a new shell and that's why it gets stuck) my .bashrc is as follows:


user_grp=`id -g`
if [ $user_grp != 4919 ]; then
newgrp new_group_id


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General :: Use This Command It Will Ask The User To Enter Year In Command?

Apr 4, 2011

i want in the website they ask to enter some input.Code:echo -e "<p>Please Enter Year : c</p> "read Yearif i use this command it will ask the user to enter year in command. but what i want is they ask the user to enter year in web browser.

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General :: Disable The Su Command On A Server So That Users Cant Run The Su Command?

Apr 29, 2010

i want to disable the su command on a server so that users cant run the su command i removed the comment from the 3 and 5 line in /etc/pam.d/su file but it doesnt seem to work the file is shown below

auth sufficient
# Uncomment the following line to implicitly trust users in the "wheel" group.


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General :: Command To Delete Bash Command History?

May 31, 2010

What's the command to delete bash command history?

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General :: Only Execute 2nd Command On Successufl Execution Of 1st Command?

Aug 19, 2009

I have a script which builds a project and then runs junit tests. However, if the build fails, the junit tests fail with the same error message.Therefore the command which runs the junit tests should only be executed if the build was successful.

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General :: Redirecting Command Output To Input Of Another Command?

Jul 2, 2011

I want to run gsettings list-schemas (which return a list of about 100 names separated by spaces)and somehow direct each name one at a time as the input to this command:gsettings list-recursivelyI've tried it with awk, and standard | piping and also as a string variable strvar=$(gsettings list-schemas) and using the $strvar as the input butam missing something in between I'm sure like for - while or proper syntax of awk etc

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General :: Use Output Of Previous Command As Parameter To Another Command?

Nov 13, 2010

I want to use the output of a previous command as a parameter to another command. For example: to know where "nice" is stored i typed: which nice output: /usr/bin/nice now the second command i typed is: ls -l /usr/bin/nice Is there a way to have a single command like: ls -l which nice ?

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General :: Use 'history' Command To Fire Last Run Command?

Oct 14, 2010

How do I use the "history" command to fire the last run command?

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General :: Write <Esc> In The Vim Command Line (:vim Command)?

Jun 24, 2011

how do you write the ASCII character #27 in the vim command line?

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General :: Merging Two Command In One Command?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a file and it has some content . Now I want to check for some text in that file and if does not exist I want to append it . So I need to first grep and then do "echo "content" >> s.txt" . Is there any way to execute this two commands in a single command .

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General :: Unable To Neither Add New Users Using Command Useradd Nor Delete Existing Users Using Command Userdel

Jun 30, 2010

Im not getting able to neither add new users using command useradd nor delete existing users using command userdel. And even Im not getting able to login into any existing users except root. It was ok before. Im having this problem very recently on my linux server. Im using RHEL5.

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General :: Saving The Results Of The Time Command While Discarding The Results Of The Command Being Timed

Apr 6, 2010

I'm timing how long it takes to run a command foo. I'm looking to append the results from the time command to a file, and discard the results from the foo command. I tried the following, but it didn't do what I want:

$ time ./foo > /dev/null >> output_from_time_command.txt

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General :: Using One Command "make UImage" Getting Error 127 Command Not Found?

Feb 23, 2010

I am doing some embeded linux work in ARM 9263.So I need to make a image for that board.But when I using one command "make uImage" I am getting the following error.

make: arm-linux-gcc: Command not found
CHK include/linux/version.h
make[1]: `include/asm-arm/mach-types.h' is up to date.
CHK include/linux/utsrelease.h
HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep

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