General :: Php 4.0.6 Delete And Php5 Update (Sun Cobalt Qube 3)?

Jun 8, 2010

my system
Linux suncobalt.localhost2.2.16C37_III #1 Sat Apr 12 14:54:32 PDT 2003 i5
Linux version 2.2.16C37_III ( (gcc version egcs-2.91.
6 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

i command php -v

how do php 4.0.6 delete and.. php5 update? my system Apache version 1.3.29

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Server :: Sun Cobalt Qube 3 2.2 Corrupted Mail Drop

Jan 29, 2010

I have a question about the sun cobalt qube 3 it runs linux 2.2 on it and we use it as an email server where we work. Everybody has outlook 2003 installed on there machines and recently we have been repeatedly gettingg problems with people getting the message [SYS/PERM] Unable to process From lines (envelopes), change recognition modes or check for corrupted mail drop. At first we just deleted there mail drop file and created a new one. But that is starting to get repetitive. So then we made sure everyone was archiving there emails and the server timeouts were above 3 minutes in outlook. But could there be another cause for this problem though?

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General :: Updating PHP5 Using YUM Update

Jul 7, 2010

I am using this command via ssh on my godaddy vps and receiving a no update available error. I talked to godaddy and they said there is no update available in the repository. Is there another way i can use to update php5.

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General :: Collaboration Server W GUI Similar To Cobalt Cube?

Jul 23, 2010

I am returning to Linux after falling of the Wagon to Microsoft land. Would like to go back to developing on a GNU collaboration package - very mutch like cobalt cube. Can anyone make a suggestion as to a package, app, or appliance. Would consider packaged hardware with software. I heard a freind mention Pogo.

Web based Email
Password protected groups w/private HTML/XML
Threaded discussions private and public
Administrative functions user administration
Perl/ CGI scripting support


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Ubuntu Servers :: Use PHP5.2 Instead Of PHP5.3?

May 3, 2010

I'd like to use PHP5.2x instead of PHP5.3x on my Ubuntu 10.04. There is a small bug in Drupal where tweaking Views causes an error which seems to be associated with php5.3.

So, how would I regress to using 5.2x on Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Servers :: On Cobalt Cube 3 - No Cd Drive - No Screen

Apr 20, 2010

i have bought a cobalt qube 3 server from a frend. At this moment it has centos 5.3 strongbold 2 kernel version 2.6.18 bit i would like to run ubuntu. The only problem is, i have no cd drive, no screen. i can telnet or ssh to the server. Is there any way to install ubuntu on this server whitout using a cd, i guess a range of command in getting the image and installing it. I have searched the internet but could not find any good discription.

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General :: Configure PHP5 To Run On Tomcat5?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a customer whose's webapps are all running under Tomcat5 on a CentOS 5 installation. They have requested to have PHP installed as they want to be able to deliver content in that form as well. I've installed PHP 5.2.13 using yum but I don't know how to configure it run under Tomcat. Does anyone know the best way to accomplish this?

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General :: Install Php5.3.0 And Run Any Php File In Web Browser In System 5.0?

Oct 25, 2009

I want to install php-5.3.0.tar.bz2 in linux5.0 and then want to run the saved php file in firefox web browser. please explain me all the detailed steps of installing & configuring and also about running php file.

also tell me if any another rpm or package we have to install to run the php

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Going To Delete Some Of Packages?

Apr 28, 2011

Going from 10.10 to 11.04 and I get this message:[URL].. I honestly have no idea what most of those are (yes I'm a huge noob), so it's possible that it's necessary to delete some of them, but Handbrake? Open Office? Why would it delete those? What possible reason could there be?

Additionally, what does "no longer needed" mean? Is it going to delete those packages too?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Will Upgrading Through Update Manager Delete Files

Aug 14, 2010

I want to upgrade to 10.04 and I'm using Update Manager by clicking the Upgrade button at the top.

Will this delete programs (from the software centre) and files (from the my documents anf my pictures folders)?

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Fedora :: Block Or Delete Unwanted Fonts / Installing Software Update 13?

Nov 26, 2010

Today Software Update on Fedora 13 listed updates for OpenJDK, SSH protocol, and SE Linux policy configuration. When I clicked on the Install button I was presented with a list of nearly a hundred fonts that Software Update said were required. They were all fonts that I have removed from my computer over and over - fonts for languages that I do not speak and don't want on my computer.

I unchecked the fonts, but Software Update said it could not continue without installing them. Apparently they are dependencies of one or more of the three packages I mentioned above. Is there a way to figure out what package is constantly installing these fonts?

I note that after deleting the fonts I never have any problem with apps failing to run. And if I go to a web page created with a language that requires a particular type of font, Firefox still displays the page with the correct font for that language, even after removing the fonts from my computer. Are they really required?

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Slackware :: Delete All .orig Config Files After Slackpkg Update Process?

Dec 8, 2010

How do I delete all the .orig config files after I go throught the following process?

slackpkg update
slackpkg install-new
slackpkg upgrade-all

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OpenSUSE :: Where Has Php5-imagick Gone

Oct 13, 2010

I used to run Apache + PHP5 + MySQL + ImageMagick locally, as a testing server for a project I'm working on. A while ago I updated a few things, with the php5-imagick library not matching dependency version numbers anymore. I decided to ignore it, since there was no update for the library. I have been without an internet connection in the meantime, but php5-imagick didn't work anymore at all. It didn't return any errors, but it simply didn't modify anything about the pictures anymore. A few minutes ago I decided to manually uninstall and reinstall the php5-imagick package.Uninstalling went fine. But when I wanted to reinstall it, the package was nowhere to be found! A quick Google search turned up no relevant results.

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Run Apche2 With Php5

Apr 3, 2011

I can't run apache2 with php5. I follow instructions from here: SDB:Linux Apache MySQL PHP - openSUSE but seems stuck at Confirming apache2 works. It did not. I noticed that everytime I restart this 'error' will come out :

[Mon Apr 04 10:40:30 2011] [warn] module rewrite_module is already loaded, skipping
[Mon Apr 04 10:40:30 2011] [warn] module rewrite_module is already loaded, skipping

httpd2-prefork: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName Syntax OK Shutting down httpd2 (waiting for all children to terminate) done Starting httpd2 (prefork) [Mon Apr 04 10:40:32 2011] [warn] module rewrite_module is already loaded, skipping [Mon Apr 04 10:40:32 2011] [warn] module rewrite_module is already loaded, skipping httpd2-prefork: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

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Server :: Way To Install Old PHP5.2.14

Nov 17, 2010

Someone accidentally upgraded our PHP5 to 5.3.3. We've uninstalled it but what's the best way to install PHP5.2.14?

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CentOS 5 :: Upgrading PHP5.2 To 5.3 Through Tar.gz?

May 11, 2010

want to upgrade php from 5.2 to 5.3 it can be possible with RPM and YUM but i want to know step by step how it can be upgraded using tar.gz file of PHP and from where i can download it.

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Ubuntu :: Change Delete Button To Delete Instead Of Move To Trash

Apr 18, 2010

Instead of moving to trash, how can i make the delete button delete? Delete is already enabled on the right click menu.

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Ubuntu :: Folder Wont Delete \ Whenever Try To Press Delete Noting Happens?

May 9, 2010

SO after using Testdisk to recover some images, the folders recup_dir.1 & 2 have saved in my FIle System area, when ever I try to press delete noting happens. I have also tried rm -f -rrm -f -fIt still dont delete, I have also deleted my user account and made a new one, but the files are still there.

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Ubuntu :: Rsync --delete Doesn't Delete Superflous Files

Sep 25, 2010

I am trying to use an old box as backup server. I have tried a couple of possibilities along the lines of:


rsync -a --delete --progress --log-file=/home/$USER/info.txt -e ssh /home /etc root@

The problem is it does not delete files that has been removed from my local system?
I run the command as root on the local system.

(I realize I should properly not ssh into the server as the server's root but I'm having trouble with the permissions and I want to make sure everything else works before messing around with it)

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OpenSUSE :: Php5-mbstring Don't Work

Nov 5, 2010

There are installed software:

SuSe Linux 10. Linux version
php5 - PHP5 Core Files Installed Version 5.3.2-28.1
php5-mbstring - PHP5 Extension Module, Installed Version 5.3.2-28.1

But php5-mbstring don't work. The command php5 -m and phpinfo() show that a extension php5-mbstring not present, but in the Yast2 this extension installed (Installed Version 5.3.2-28.1)???

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade From PHP 5.0.x To PHP5.2.13?

May 24, 2010

I would like to upgrade from PHP 5.0.x to PHP5.2.13. My box is Suse 9.3.(Pleask 9.5.2).

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Ubuntu :: Can't Seem Php5 Work With Apache2

May 12, 2010

I can't seem php5 work with apache2. I am getting the text openning instead of php. I think this is infamous problem, found many suggestions adding AddType application/x-httpd-php .php, did that in/etc/apache2/apache2. conf and /etc/apache2/httpd.confwith no luck, it's still opening text

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Ubuntu :: PHP5 Not Working Out / Resolve This?

Aug 5, 2010

Ok so I have:

a)apt-get install apache2

b)apt-get install php5

c)placed a php test file into my var/www folder

d)go to in my browser and all I see is a blank page, when I should see the php info page.

So what the heck is wrong here? I figure it's just something I'm too noob to know, yet I can't find anything about it on the net...

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Php5.2.6 In 10.04 Server?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a ubuntu10.04 server 64bit, my application can under run under php5.2.x. So there anyway i can install the php5.2.x in ubutnu 10.04 without the need to source compile?

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Ubuntu :: Etc/php5/cli/php.ini - Will Not Display Errors

May 6, 2011

etc/php5/cli/php.ini and in the apache2 folder

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Ubuntu Servers :: PHP5 Can't Reach From Outside LAN?

Jun 23, 2011

I have just installed ubuntu Server with Apache2, PHP5, MySQL and PhpMyAdmin.
Everything works fine when I access the server on the LAN. I have forwarded port 80 in my router to the LAN ip of this server. (I have other windows based web servers so I am familiar with port forwarding) however when I try to access the server from the true static IP outside the LAN I cannot reach it and the connection just times out with the Ubuntu server connected if I use canyouseeme it says port 80 is closed. If I replace the Ubuntu server with another server I can reach this just fine from outside and canyouseeme says the port is open. So I am pretty darn sure the router is correct and that there is some config problem with the Ubuntu box, but I cannot find it. the ports.conf file has listen 80 in it and the apache2.conf includes the ports.conf file.

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Server :: How To Get PHP5 Working On Apache 2.2.13

Jan 1, 2010

I am trying to get PHP5 working on Apache 2.2.13. When loading the PHP file in the web browser, the server does not appear to be passing the php off to the interpreter.Instead, the browser just treats the first command as an HTML comment and displays the rest to the user.

Relevant lines from httpd.conf:
LoadModule php5_module lib64/httpd/modules/
AddType text/html .php
#AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddHandler php-script .php

The second AddType is commented out because it causes Firefox to try to download the php instead of displaying it.

Output from httpd -M:
Loaded Modules:
core_module (static)


Does it sound correct to think that there is some type of disconnect between Apache and the PHP interpreter?

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Software :: Install Php5.2.6.tar.gz In Red Hat Server 5.0?

Nov 27, 2009

i have folder php5.2.6.tar.gz. and i want to install it .i have tried to copy this folder in usr/local/src but i didn't due to permission.

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Ubuntu :: Delete File - No Right Click Delete Option?

Feb 18, 2010

Why is there no Delete when I right click like there is with Windows in ubuntu? Pretty much everything else is there like new folder and so on Is there some way to add it? Also why when i delete something does it not ask me if I am sure that i want to delete that file?

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Debian Configuration :: Apt-get Php5-dev Won't Install Phpize

Jan 4, 2010

I'm trying to install Image magick on debian 5.0.1 using pecl install imagick I understand that I need to install php5-dev to get phpize on my system. apt-get install php5-dev appears to run without any problems - but it isn't adding phpize to my system, and therefore I can't install imagick.

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