General :: List Contents Of All Files Recursively?

Jan 22, 2011

What I would like to do is to print the contents of all text files in a particular directory, recursively. Problem being that there are directories and possibly binaries scattered around in the filesystem as well.

Trying cat * works as long as there are no directories in there, but when there are it gives an error instead and prints nothing.

I'm sure it's easy using file -f or something but I can't figure it!

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General :: List Recursively All Files With Timestampsand Fullpath?

Jan 3, 2011

I want to list recursively all files in given direcotry, with their fullpath and their timestamps.Something like this:10:30 Dec 10 2010 /tmp/mydir/myfileI've tryied with:find . -type f -exec ls -la {} ;but that don't give me the fullpath.

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General :: List Folders By The Number Of Files Recursively

Aug 11, 2011

Is there any Linux application for finding the folders with the most number of files? baobab sorts folders by their total size, I'm looking for a tool that lists folders by the total number of files in it.

The reason I'm looking is because copying tens of thousands of small files is excruciatingly slow (much slower than copying a few large files of the same size), so I want to archive or delete those folders with high file counts that that will be slowing down the copying (it won't speed things up now, but it would be faster when I need to move/copy it again in the future).

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General :: Zip -x For A Directory - Subfolder Contents Not Being Excluded Recursively?

Dec 9, 2010

I am attempting to use the zip command with the '-x' option to exclude a folder e.g. 'zip public_html -x public_html/jquery/*'. However, parts of this folder are still being added to the archive. I made a shell script (saved as '' and ran as '.') to do the archiving so I could test adding nested wildards for multiple subfolder levels.


rm -f
zip -r public_html
-x public_html/jquery


Each new line I added here that has the nested wildcards made the archive file size a bit smaller. Adding more /*'s than this didn't affect the file size. Even after all this though, there were still a couple megabytes of files and folders from the 'jquery' directory that were added to the archive.

Here's some examples of files and folders that were created after I unzipped the archive:
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/addons/pager/icons [folder]
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/addons/pager/.svn/entries [file]
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/build/.svn/text-base/js.jar.svn-base [file]

Why is it that despite all the -x lines, the files and folders like these were still being added to the archive? How can I simply recursively exclude the entire public_html/jquery folder from the archive?

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CentOS 5 :: Move Contents Of A Directory Recursively Including Hidden?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a directory: /var/www/html/something/

and it's got tons of files and directories, some containing hidden files.

I want to move all the contents of something including hidden files up to the site root at: /var/www/html/

What is the proper command for this?

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General :: List The Contents Of Directory?

Mar 12, 2010

1 List the contents of directory, /dev using a detail listing format and page by page.

2Mount the CDROM to the directory, /media/cdrom.

3 Delete the file "/home/student/myfile" without any confirmation (Assume you have the required file permission to delete this file).

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General :: List Dir Contents With Page Breaks

Jan 2, 2011

I can't seem to find any info on a terminal command that lists the contents of a directory with page breaks so that I can view the contents of a very large folder (such as /usr/bin) because if I use ls, it prints so many names that scrolling up won't even cover all of them. We all know the obvious solution is to use a graphical file browser, but I tend to shy away from depending on graphical utilities simply because command line feels faster.

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Software :: List Files/directory Names Without Directory Contents?

May 3, 2011

When I run "ls -al somedir*" (I use the "ll" shortcut, actually), Linux not only list files that match, but also the contents of directories whose name also happens to match.Is there a way to limit "ls" so that it will only show names (files and directories) and ignore the contents of the directories?

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General :: Recursively Cp All Directories, Files And Hidden Files?

May 17, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04

I want to copy all directories, files, and hidden files and hidden directories with one command. I want these items to replace any same items in the target directory.

I have tried several things, such as:

cp -r *
cp -aR *

but I only seem to get visible files and directories. Obviously, I am missing something. (A brain, probably....)

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General :: Move The Contents Of /public-back/templates Recursively With Permissions Into /public/templates?

Apr 20, 2011

ls -al ../public-back
drwxrwxr-x 4 apache apache 4096 Apr 19 03:32 templates
ls -al ../public-back/templates
drwxrwxr-x 2 apache apache 4096 Apr 19 03:33 content


How do I move the contents of /public-back/templates recursively with permissions into /public/templates ?

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General :: Recursively Count All The Files In A Directory?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a really deep directory tree on my Linux box. I would like to count all of the files in that path, including all of the subdirectories.

For instance, given this directory tree:


If I pass in /home, I would like for it to return 4 files. Or, bonus points if it returns 4 files, 2 directories. Basically, I want the equivalent of right-clicking a folder on Windows and selecting properties and seeing how many files/folders are contained in that folder.

How can I most easily do this? I have a solution involving a Python script I wrote, but why isn't this as easy as running ls | wc or similar?

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General :: Removing Files Or Directories Recursively

Jan 29, 2010

The rm command man pages discusses removing files or directories recursively. So what is meant by deleting a file or directory recursively? And what are some reasons for doing so?

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General :: Script To Rename Files Recursively?

May 8, 2011

I'm planning to writing a script to rename files recursively.

To be said that I'm using /bin/sh (not /bin/bash) as this is the only shell available on the busybox of the linux router (tomato) I'm using.

Basically I would like to rename files with extension .jpg using as a suffix the filename of another file in the very same directory with extension .avi

The reason for this is because pretty much all the DLNA devices like modern TV playing .avi files will display a thumbnail of the video when browsing the filesystem, however to do so they'll need .jpg image wit hthe same filename of the video in the very same directory.

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General :: How To Recursively Find Files Over Certain Size

Apr 15, 2010

I made an account under and it has been very satisfactory so far. I recommend everyone getting an account under But anyways, how do I find files over, for example, 500 KB, in the entire, my shell account?

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General :: Recursively Searching PHP Or HTML Files

May 5, 2010

I'm a frequent user of grep. I know that I can recursively search a directory using the -r flag:
// will recursively search all files
grep -r 'some string' *

However, if I want to limit my search to PHP files, the -r flag is suddenly useless:
// for some reason, this only searches the PHP files in the current dir
grep -r 'some string' *.php

Any good way to recursively search a directory and its subdirs for a string but ONLY look at PHP or HTML files (and possibly TXT files too) ? I'm really hoping for a nice, short command that doesn't involve using an exclude file and which isn't really painful to type. I do this kind of search very frequently and have resorted to either searching EVERY file which is really slow (TAR and ZIP files really slow it down) OR typing repeated commands to search *.php, */*.php, etc.

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General :: How Do I Recursively Delete Duplicate Files Using Terminal

Mar 1, 2011

I'm using a mac, and just transferred a bunch o photos from another computer, and as it turns out, there is a bunch of duplicates.I'm not too familiar with the mac terminal, but if there is a solution for linux, it will probably work for the mac.Just need to be able to recursively scan all folders in my Pictures folder and then Delete them.

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General :: Command Line - Compressing All .pdf Files Recursively (.tar)?

Jun 20, 2011

At the linux command line, I'd like to compress all .pdf files in a directory, any of it's subdirectories and so on - but only .pdf files. I'm struggling to figure out the syntax

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General :: Recursively Add Read Privilege To All The Files Under A Certain Directory?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm under linux . by default, other user can't read anything under my home directory. let's see my home directory is /home/superman , and I tried to use

chmod +r /home/superman

to let others can acess files under my home directory , but it does not work .

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General :: Script To Mass Rename Files Recursively?

Sep 9, 2009

I need a either a script or perl script that will allow me to mass rename files, folders, and sub folders. I need to replace special chars in the current file names with underscores. I was able to make this happen in a single directory, but not recursively.

Here is what does it in a single directory.

for file in *
mv "$file" $(echo "$file" | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_.]/_/g')

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General :: Awk / Grep Or Sed - Find And Replace Recursively From Files

Feb 12, 2010

I am new to linux as well as awk, grep or sed. I need a find and replace command single liner or script that loops trough input file (file1) and find the particular input in file2 and add "!" in front of the found string.

input file: file1
file2 (file that need to look for)

Output file (file3 should look like this)

I have tried many awk and sed method of find and replce but it did not work the way I wanted. This is mainly due to my lack of experience in awk and sed. The program should loop trough file1 and find in file2 and output in file3 for the 1st (g+h=o+p) set then repeat the same process again for set 2 (a+b=c+d).

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General :: Recursively Remove Subdirectories And Files But Not The First Parent Directory?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm able to use the following to remove the target directory and recursively all of its subdirectories and contents. find '/target/directory/' -type d -name '*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf

However, I do not want the target directory to be removed. How can I remove just the files in the target, the subdirectories, and their contents?

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General :: Overwriting Specific Files In Directory Tree Recursively

Jul 19, 2011

I would like to overwrite files in a directory tree, recursively. The ones I would like to overwrite match the filename "x_alpha*.png" and have a size exactly 456 bytes. Is there any way to search for these recursively in a directory tree, and overwrite them with a reference file, for example "e:mydirgood.png"

I am using Windows 7, but I have UnxUtils, so I can use those too. What I am looking for is something like this, generated automatically:
copy /y e:mydirgood.png e:mydiracx_alpha0023.png
copy /y e:mydirgood.png e:mydirefgx_alpha0045.png
copy /y e:mydirgood.png e:mydirhx_alpha0248.png

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General :: Rsync Files Recursively But Place In One Remote Directory?

Jan 29, 2011

i would like to find and backup all *.mp4 files from /Pictures and its sub-directories and move them to a single directory on a remote. I can find and move the files but I don't want the directory structure...just the files to be placed in the remote directory.

To find my files I use

rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh -l user" --delete --include '*/' --include '*.mp4' --exclude '*' /home/drew/Pictures/ remoteserver:/Users/drew/mp4

but this creates all the subdirectories

I also tried

find ~/Pictures -name "*.mp4" -exec rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh -l user" --delete {} remote:/Users/drew/mp4 ;

This works but takes forever

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General :: Make All Files Non-executable Recursively Using Find Without Affecting Directories?

Sep 26, 2010

I need to strip the executable flag from all files within a certain directory and sub directories. Right now I'm doing it with a 2 step process

find /dir/ -type f -exec chmod ugo-x {} ;
find /dir/ -type d -exec chmod ugo+rx {} ;

Is it possible to modify the first line so that I can strip exec flag from all non-directory files? Since this needs to be done on a fairly regular basis across a lot of directories and files, I'd prefer not to use a bash script which would slow it down.

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General :: Command For Listing Files/dirs Recursively Of Specific Directories?

Jul 22, 2011

suppose in my current directory, I have 50 sub-directories. Now, I am interested only in about 20 of those sub-directories (whose names match a pattern). I would like to recursively list the contents of these 20 sub-directories. How do I do that ? I would like to do this in Solaris 10 and Linux(RHEL 5.x).

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General :: Change A String Recursively In Files Located In Folders And Subfolders?

Jul 22, 2011

lets say I have a project that have generated lots of xml files. Though all these xml files point to a location with the text name TEXT15. I want to change all the files that containts TEXT15 and change it to TEXT16. This actually works for files in a folder but not recursively in all the entire files....perl -pi -c 's/TEXT15/TEXT16/g' ./* but I have many subfolders and within this more subsub folders....i just want to do this recursively.

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General :: Listing Files Recursively, Sorted By Time, Limited Head?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm trying to make a shell script that will list the 50 newest files in a directory with several subdirectories in. I've been trying with the find-command with no luck and now I've figured I should probably use ls. The problem is when I do "ls -lRt | head -50" it will do 1 directory at the time. It will not first make the full list and then sort it. This will display all items in first directory, sorted, then the newest directory will be sorted and displayed. So I figured I have to sort the whole process of ls before I limit the head. So this is where I am at now: ls -lRt | sort <something clever here> | head -50

Only doing a "|sort|" will sort it by name if I understand it right and I don't know how to solve it. Here's also my first attempt if that is of any interrest or help, this was limited by the change status time of files (so some lists got very large). These lists dit not get sorted by time and I could not find any way to do so.find $ftpDir -ctime $time -type f -print > $ftpFileLsAny help on this would be appreciated since I'm sort of stuck now. After reading manuals for all the options I can think of and still there's just a big blur in my head..

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General :: Shell Script To Delete Folders And Files Dynamically And Recursively?

Jun 7, 2010

I have an archive directory that needs to be cleaned up once per quarter. The top level (/data/archive/*) directory names change daily, as well as the subdirectories and the filenames (the application names everything according to date). Also, there are two top level directories, bin and incoming, that we can't touch. I want to write a shell script that loops through the 15 or 20 top level directories and deletes all files and subdirectories older than 3 days (skipping the bin and incoming folders). Can someone get me started on a script? I am kinda new to shell scripting.

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General :: Recursively Rename Files/folders To Make Their Names Windows-friendly?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a bunch of files on a Ubuntu box, which have various characters in their filenames that Windows doesn't accept (mostly ":" and "*", but possibly others).What's the simplest way to get these all renamed and moved to a Windows machine? It's OK to replace these characters with something like "[colon]" and "[asterisk]".

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General :: Mail Only Files With Contents?

Jun 29, 2011

Am using the below script to send mails as an sql output . but the below script sends the generated file even if it is empty (if there is no outputs generated from the sql command) .
I want to send mail only if the file has some valid outputs. How to do this

export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1


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