General :: Ubuntu - Increasing Download Speed By Using Multiple IP Addresses ?

Jul 4, 2010

Quite often sites limit download speed per ip address or identified user.

Is it possible to use a tool such as wget in order to overcome this limitation?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Multiple Ip Download - Share The Download Between The Computers To Get The Cumulative Speed?

Jan 8, 2011

I am at a university where my bandwidth is severely capped. I can start several other computers near me and download at the limited speed simultaneously. Is there any way for me to share the download between the computers to get the cumulative speed?

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Ubuntu :: Will Increasing Swappiness Increase The Speed ?

Jul 4, 2010

If i increase swappiness using this : [URL]..will it increase the speed of my ubuntu ?

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Ubuntu :: Increasing Mouse Speed On Startup?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a HP Mini 311c that has an ALPS touchpad. Linux Mint detects it as a mouse and so when I try to increase the speed of the mouse, nothing actually happens. I've created a script which includes just the following code:

xset m 5 2

This is saves as startup-script.hl on my Desktop. I then go into Startup Applications and add the script in there. But when I reboot my Netbook the mouse is moving at its default slow speed. I've ensured the script file is allowed to execute (right click > properties > permissions) and have also tried copying it to the init.d folder with no luck.

One thing I have noticed though is that straight after I login to Mint the mouse cursor does move at the speed I want, but after a few seconds reverts back to the slow speed.

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Software :: Increasing Downloading Speed In Ubuntu 9.10?

Feb 26, 2010

m using broadband of connect of 300mbs for which maily downloding speed varies from 20 to 30 kb/s in window but in linux it is giving only 5 kb/s maximum

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Debian Hardware :: CPU Fan Speed Not Increasing With Proprietary ATI Drivers?

Apr 24, 2011

Skip to last post for most relevant information.

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General :: Ubuntu Limits Download Speed?

Mar 12, 2011

i realised that although before when i had windows7 my relative download speed was around 5.0 MB/s ( i have a 50MB virgin connection)now with ubuntu 10.10 im limited to only 2.8MB/s or somewhere around there.

First i tested my wireless speed on another laptop (with windows 7) on the same network and the speed was as i said around 5.0MB/s sometimes even more. So i thought it was only chrome that i was using at that point.However, this download speed limitation appears in jdownloader as well as in firefox and i guess the whole system.

SO im wondering if there is any way to set up the speed limit on the system and if there is, how should do i go ahead with this change,through the terminal or through preferences?

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General :: Installed Ubuntu 10.10 - Slow Download Speed

Feb 13, 2011

I have just installed ubuntu 10.10 and i have noticed that my download speed is quite slow. i have an excellent connection to the internet and i didn't have any speed problems when i used windows vista. (i'm using a friend's windows 7 os right now and everything is fine.) how do i modify the download/bandwidth feature that is naturally a part of the ubuntu package so that it's not a problem anymore? the most i think i saw it download packages and files was 37 kb/s.

Basically, the kind of downloads i'm doing are for installing new packages to ubuntu, and that took ages. i even tried to download ubuntu 10.04 from and it would have taken almost 3 hours to complete!

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General :: Wireless Networking - Wi-Fi Connection Download Speed Is Cut In Half In Mint?

Sep 19, 2011

I have a pretty decent DSL connection that usually gave me about 105KB/second download speed over wifi. The "official" download speed was 1.5 megabits so I should have been getting a bit more, but that's not my question.

I recently switched to Mint from Ubuntu. Now my download speed is significantly slower, to the tune of 45 KB/second. Since the connection runs at normal speed when I connect via an ethernet cable, my guess is that mint doesn't give enough power to the wifi card. Is there any way I can fix that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Upstart Vs. Multiple IP Addresses ?

Jan 27, 2010

I have run into a problem that I've tracked down to being a conflict between the "Upstart" init system, and how it handles multiple (alias) IP addresses per physical interface. The summary of the problem is that the interfaces are being configured in the background in parallel with the starting of daemons. One "feature" of this (apparently intended for pluggable devices that would add or remove an interface) is that the network daemons are restarted each time an interface is added (and presumably deleted). But this is a disaster when applied to alias IP addresses.

I first saw the effects of this when during booting Ubuntu Server, the screen showed a message about OpenSSH daemon being restarted ... several times a few seconds apart each. At the time I didn't know what was causing that, but didn't worry because it ultimately was running when I needed it.

But now that I am deploying these servers for specific duty with many IP addresses per system (per network interface), the symptoms are becoming serious, and I need a solution.

1. The IP addresses are coming online too slowly. Apparently the time it takes to restart each daemon is being added to each address being configured.

2. It appears to be disrupting some daemons sometimes. Occaisionally, some daemon just ends up being hung somewhere, or dies. Too many restarts.

3. Sometimes few or even no alias addresses get configured. This might be due to a daemon getting hung, and the whole sequence just not finishing.

4. The "nsd" name server as packaged by Ubuntu doesn't deal well with this at all. It needs all its IP addresses to be up when it starts, or else it won't start. The Ubuntu package of it doesn't including any if-up script at all, although I'm not sure that would do any good.

What I need is a way to configure all these alias IP addresses so they are all configured immediately when the point in time is reached to bring up network interfaces for the first time. These are all static, and all are aliases on ethernet NIC cards plugged into PCIe cards, or integrated in the mainboard. None of them are pluggables. I did run a manual test of "ifconfig" in a loop configuring 2540 alias IP address on eth0 and it only took 2 seconds (no if-up triggers or daemon restarts here). So I know it's fast if nothing else is done between these steps.

Even for pluggable physical interfaces, I see no reason to even try to step through every alias (if it has aliases) with a daemon restart. If an alias IP address is added on later, then I can understand doing it. But if you have a list of 100 aliases for a physical interface, they really should all be done ... or at least attempted ... at once, and do any triggers needed after that.

So, how can I configure or modify Ubuntu Server 9.10 to do that?

I have each alias listed in the "/etc/network/interfaces" file with a separate "auto" and "iface" section for each one, with sequential sub-interface numbers appended to the interface name. I tried it without those sections (e.g. just "address" and other items in sequence) and that prevents the system from even coming up (bootable CD to the rescue to undo that). At least cntrl-alt-del did reboot it.

I tried to attach the /etc/network/interfaces file, but I don't know if it worked because I see no confirmations about it. if it didn't attach and you need to see it, say so, and I'll just paste it in a followup.

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Networking :: NAT With Multiple Internet Addresses

Mar 8, 2010

My Linux gateway has multiple address to internet:
eth0 =
eth0:0 =
eth0:1 =
and it's own gateway which is (probably not relevant) and I also have which is not internet, but local:
eth0:2 = netmask

They all work fine and tested. Now I am sharing the internet through eth0 ( to and that's working fine. The script I use to do that is here...

echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
iptables -t nat --flush
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -d -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -j LOG
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

Now all I want to change in the script is to share it through (eth0:1) instead of what is already sharing through (eth0). I am sure this is easy but can't work it out and iptables doesn't accept 'aliases'. How I can do this by modifying this script?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Dynamic Ip Addresses For Multiple Interfaces?

May 6, 2010

I have 4 Ethernet Interfaces. I need Dynamic IP-Addresses for 2 Interfaces. Can anybody help me how can i achieve that

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Debian Configuration :: KVM / One Interface / Multiple IP Addresses

Dec 27, 2015

I'm renting a server which comes with 5 IP addresses, but only one network device. From what I can understand I'm able to create aliases by adding entries to /etc/networks/interfaces, I haven't tried I'm in the planning stages. Hypothetically, is my primary IP and I want to set eth0:1 to have, and then after that I want to create a virtual machine (using kvm/qemu) that is able to communicate bidirectionally to the internet over eth0:1, and leave eth0 strictly for administrating (not for VM traffic).

The qemu guides I'm finding seem to assume that I want to use TAP or VDE, what I want to use is a sub-ip/alias. One guide I saw had me eliminate everything from eth0 and put it under br0. That would leave me unable to ssh into my server (and unable to administrate). Is there a way I can do something along the lines of: qemu [options] -net [option] -netdev=eth0:1 ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Set Multiple IP Addresses Onto Server?

Jul 23, 2011

I want to set multiple IP addresses onto my server and I can then put under an alias.

But is it possible to somehow create a script in perl example that can do this for or is it only possible manually?

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Server :: Setting Up Postfix To Use Multiple IP Addresses?

Apr 17, 2011

I set-up his mail server for him with Postfix but what he wants I have no idea how to do.

Essentially he wants it so that the mail gateway IP corresponds with the dedicated IP of the domain and I have no idea how to accomplish this.

I found some documentation on the web saying that the fix for this was to run multiple instances of Postfix which I tried doing but each time I try to start the second instance I get the error that postfix is already running.

There has to be an elegant way to make this happen, I really hate to tell a client something can't be done even though the concept is a bit pointless, IMHO. I am hoping I can get some feedback here on if this can be done and if it can the easiest way for me to accomplish doing it.

Here is some of the config files ( has been put in place of the actual domain names and the ip of is in place of the actual IPs

[root@youronlinehosting ~]# cat /etc/postfix/transport smtp: smtp: smtp:


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Networking :: DHCP Script - Assigning Multiple IP Addresses By Mac?

Sep 6, 2010

Ive been trying to give certain clients an IP adres by mac adress. For this I use the folowing code:

host apex {
hardware ethernet 00:00:00:00:00:00;

This works perfectly, however when I try to add a second client this way it doesnt. I tried to add the above code multiple times as a whole (2 times the above code) but that doesnt work. I also tried to just add more lines under host apex but this also doesnt work.

So my question is: How do I add more of this mac related IP adress assignments in the dhcp.conf?

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Networking :: Forward Multiple Public Addresses With Iptables?

Jun 3, 2011

iptables and multiple public-facing IP addresses. With the current setup I have a public-facing firewall with iptables which will then forward traffic to a LAN IP. I will hopefully be allotted 1 private IP per public IP, which I hope will make this much more simple. For example, I have server A with the LAN IP of which I would like to have traffic forwarded from, the public IP. I also have server B with LAN IP of which I would like to have forwarded from, the second public IP. From what I have read and understood, this should be a simple task, however I would just like to double check to make sure that it is in fact possible, and if so, how would it be recommended that I go about doing so. Essentially, I need to forward each public IP to a corresponding LAN IP with all ports.

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Networking :: Multiple IPV4 Addresses Not Working After Boot

Oct 15, 2010

Fedora 12 running under VirtualBox 3.2.8 w/ Bridged networking
Host OS Windows 7

I have 3 IP addresses set up in on my Fedora 12 installation:
Directory: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
ifcfg-eth0 ->
ifcfg-eth0:0 ->
ifcfg-eth0:1 ->

Hostname is configured to host associated with in /etc/hosts

When I reboot and execute
# ifconfig

eth0 is associated with the 172 address and the other addresses are not active. After I run
# service network restart

All of the addresses are active and associated with the correct interfaces. Content of my ifcfg files below:

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 :
# Intel Corporation 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller
NAME="System eth0"
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0 :

# Intel Corporation 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller
NAME="System eth0"
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1 :

# Intel Corporation 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller
NAME="System eth0:1"
After booting:

# ifconfig

eth0 ....

Restart network:
# service network restart
. . .
# ifconfig

eth0 ....

eth0:0 ....

eth0:1 ....

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup An Outbound SMTP Mail Server With & Using Multiple IP Addresses

Mar 15, 2010

This is the current setup that we have: We have approx 20 clients who pay us to send out a type of e-mail called an E-Blast to their customers. We currently are using 5 Microsoft Windows Virtual Servers to do this. The problem is that those machines are starting to break down. There are times that it will take Microsoft Windows approx 9-10 hours to complete 1 job. This is way too long. We want to move away from Microsoft Windows for this particular type of job as it seems there are more customers who are wanting to use this type of advertising.

It seems that using a Linux Server "Command Line or Shell" environment would be the best way to go as there is no GUI like Windows. Since there is just text...that is something that would/should process very, very quickly.

I am in the process of setting up a new SMTP outbound mail server. This is the current software & configuration (what is installed on this new machine):

All of the customer data (Names, E-Mail Addresses, etc that these e-mails are going to) are currently loaded in a Microsoft SQL Database.

My machine that I am using is plugged into the DMZ. I have 1 ip address for the 1 network card. I have also added/bound 4 more ip addresses to that network card.

I have configured Postfix for Multiple IP Addresses.

I can, from the command line, send successful test e-mails and receive them in my personal account.

As far as I know everything is setup correctly. I can and will post requested information so that it can be verified that everything is setup correctly.

Here are a couple of my questions:

Ensure that I have my Network / Interfaces file and my Postfix's files setup correctly?

How can I setup this server to be an Outbound SMTP server and get it to use all 5 of the IP Addresses to send these e-mails quickly?

What can I use to check and ensure that this server is in fact sending out emails on all 5 IP

Addresses (I heard that there is a program named "Postal" that may help in determing this).

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Server :: Sendmail To Split Single Envelope Into Multiple To - Addresses

Aug 4, 2010

Our system uses email to send fairly time-sensitive status messages between programs running on various servers on a WAN. Each email message is sent to two addresses (different servers). The problem occurs when one of the destination mail servers is off the network. I think because it's trying to send one email to two addresses, sendmail attempts delivery to the first address, then to the second address (i.e., serially). When this happens, it hangs for two connect timeout (CONNECT_TO) periods trying to connect to the offline destination, then after the timeout, it then delivers to the other destination. I'm trying to figure out how to work around that connection delay so it doesn't delay delivery to the other destination.

I'm working with the network guys to enable the right ICMP messages that signal when a network is unavailable, but I would also like to try having sendmail split the emails into two envelopes, then use parallel, independent connections for delivery.

After days of reading through the docs (O'Rielly Sendmail book + sendmail docs) I think one way to do this is to use multiple mail queues, but I can't decipher exactly how to do that from the docs.

There might be other, more elegant ways to do the same thing, but again, trying to decipher the docs has my head swimming. (This is my first experience with sendmail.)

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Multiple Static ISP IP Addresses / Servers Configuration

Mar 31, 2011

I have a CentOS5 server with dual ethernet adapters + Webmin installed as my Router / Firewall / DHCP server working successfully with 1 static IP from my ISP. I also have 7 additional static IP addresses from my ISP needing to configure to individual servers inside my network. I have configured the additional virtual interfaces, but am lost on how to route data specifically from additional ISP address to specific internal network address.

Below is my desired configuration.
98.173.159.xx1 = eth0 physical interface ==> eth1
98.173.159.xx2 = eth0:1 virtual interface ==> ==> CentOS Server 2
98.173.159.xx3 = eth0:2 virtual interface ==> ==> CentOS Server 3
98.173.159.xx4 = eth0:3 virtual interface ==> ==> CentOS Server 4
98.173.159.xx5 = eth0:4 virtual interface ==> ==> Mac OS X Server 1
98.173.159.xx6 = eth0:5 virtual interface ==> ==> Mac OS X Server 1
98.173.159.xx7 = eth0:6 virtual interface ==> ==> Network Attached Storage Server 1
98.173.159.xx8 = eth0:7 virtual interface ==> ==> Windows 2008 Server 1

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Ubuntu Networking :: Multiple External IP Addresses With Single Physical Ethernet Card And Virtualization

Feb 16, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Server 9.10 with the intent of using it as a platform for running a couple of Windows XP virtual machines along with Linux/Ubuntu.

I had no problems getting the server installed. Had no problems getting the network up and running so that I had access to both my internal network as well as external connectivity to the internet. Had no problems getting a VM installed and putting Windows XP inside of it. Had no problems setting up a bridge between the WinXP virtual machine and the physical ethernet card (eth0).

What Im having trouble with is figuring out how to bridge from multiple VMs AND Ubuntu natively through one physical ethernet card.

When I set up the bridge, it knocks out the static IP address of the ethernet card that was set up initially with Ubuntu when first installed before the VM was created and installed. Therefore, connectivity within Ubuntu natively is lost.

Similarly, am having trouble figuring out how the second VM (also going to be running WinXP) is going to get its connectivity since it doesnt seem to like me setting up 2 bridges to the same physical ethernet interface card.

I need all 3 machines to have static IP addresses and be visible/accessible from the external network for either web/mail/dns/etc servers on the Ubuntu side and for remote PC control functionality on the VM side.

I have tried setting up alias ethernet interfaces (eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3) with static addresses which work fine from native Ubuntu in presenting multiple IP addressees, but it seems that Im not permitted to bridge to these alias interfaces.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Download Speed Up And Down?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a 18Mg download speed internet connection and surfing the web is supper fast, streaming video is decent, etc. when I go to download a file 100 mg or so really anything my download speed will clime to about 1.3mg and then start dropping and level off at about 32 kb or lower. if I pause and restart the download it will jump back up again for a while and then come back down. if i constantly pause and restart the file will download in roughly the same amount of time as if the connection was working properly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Download Speed For 10.04?

Apr 29, 2010

Just want to make sure I am not crazy. I am downloading the upgrade right now (9 p.m. time Eastern U.S.), and not getting much faster than 31 kbps on the download. Regular web pages are loading quickly as normal. Are the Canonical servers overtaxed?

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Ubuntu :: Low Internet Download Speed ?

Jun 11, 2010

Ubuntu version 10.04. until day before yesterday, everything is working fine but now specific problem arises that is my internet download become 1/4th than usual.

Heres the story: i have internet (LAN) connection of 512 kbps. when i tries to download anything, using (syneptic, firefox default downloader, jdownloader) the download speed i get is 10-20 kb/s which should be 50-60 kb/s. the limited downloading speed is only when i tried to download a file; browsing n online video content play at max. speed i.e. 50-60 kb/s. i m using net speed panel applet to monitor current net speed.

Here is something unexpected: during downloading, when i start a game(openTTD or battle of wesnoth), downloading speed accelerated to max. (50-60 kb/s) but when i close the game, it drop back to 10-20 kb/s. so definitely this isn't the problem with the net.

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Ubuntu :: Internet - When Trying To Download From KUBUNTU Cannot Get Speed ?

Feb 12, 2010

I m getting 40 kbps speed when i am working with windows but when i trying to download from KUBUNTU i cannot get speed is there any solution for that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Download Speed Drop To Almost Zero

Mar 21, 2010

I am having problems with download speeds in Ubuntu 9.10. Downloads start at a healthy speed and then drop to almost zero. This affects apt-get install, Pan newsreader etc. With apt-get install if I terminate the download (with [Ctl][C]) and restart it I get another burst at high speed then again back to almost nothing. It makes updates a nightmare. With Pan newsreader I get high speed for most files but when downloading some of the larger files the speed drops right back to almost nothing after a while. I am on wired ethernet (no wireless). Typically I will get about 1.1MB before the speed drops - although I think it may be a function of time rather than data. I am talking to my ISP via a Netgear FWAG114 router and a NetComm NB5 ADSL modem operating in bridge mode. Although a number of users appear to have experienced very similar symptoms here I haven't found an answer that works.

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General :: Download Scheduler Program Code Which Creates Multiple Threads Of The Downloading Process?

Apr 30, 2010

I have created a simple download schedular with source-code give below :
touch /home/student/packs/lynx/logfile
lynx -cmd_log /home/student/packs/lynx/logfile


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Ubuntu :: Can't Find A Browser That Allows To Set A Download Speed Limit

Feb 3, 2010

It sounds weird but on Linux I can't find a browser that allows to set a download speed limit. I found an extension for Firefox but it works only on Windows. I know the existence of download managers like d4x, wget, jdownloader, etc... but some downloads can only be done by browser. I know trickle too but if I want to change the speed limit I have to 'restart' the command (interrupting the current download). Then I didn't find an extension for Chromium.

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Ubuntu :: Download Speed Is Slow / A Firewall Problem?

May 16, 2010

Using 10.04 my download speed is so slow, with Opera browser(tried FF too)using places like rapidshare, I get 70/80 kbs , but on windows machine on same connection/line, i get 500/700 using same link,Did i miss something? Is this a firewall problem? or is it just me?

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