General :: Difference Between Fedora And Ubuntu?

Mar 12, 2011

Difference between Fedora and Ubuntu?

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General :: Difference Between Suspend And Hibernate In Fedora?

May 25, 2011

I have fedora 13. What is the difference between suspend and resume? If I suspend, how do I turn on the pc? If I hibernate, how do I get out of hibernation?

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General :: Difference Between Fedora Core 4 And Fedora Core 14?

Jan 12, 2011

I am in school for my CIS degree and the book I am using this session covers Windows XP and Fedora Core 4. I am having trouble finding & downloading Fedora Core 4. My question is: Is there a big enough difference between Fedora Core 4 and Fedora Core 14 that I would not be able to use 14 instead of 4?

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Fedora :: Difference Between Su - And Su?

Aug 25, 2010

What is the difference between su - and su? Both ask me for password. Bothe report "root" when asked whoami

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General :: What Is The Difference Between Red Hat And Ubuntu

Feb 9, 2010

what is the difference between Red Hat and Ubuntu and where can I find information about using Linux as an OS?

I'd also like to learn about the pros and cons of using Linux and again if someone can give me directions to a useful source of information, I'll be happy with that. (might even get back into writing code!)

I'd like to find out how to ensure I load the correct drivers for my laptop and where I can find these.

I suppose I could buy a Linux for Dummies book but I suspect that is aimed at writing code which is not what I want to do (at least, initially).

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Fedora :: Difference Between 586 And 686 Kernels?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a fairly aged Pentium 4, RAID, desktop computer with Fed 11. I started off with the 686 PAE kernel and update it whenever the update software tells me to. Some time ago I downloaded an NVidia driver which said it needed the 586 kernel so I installed that as well.I then uninstalled the NVidia driver as it caused some minorish problems without any improvement to the graphics. The bottom line is I now have the last three 686 kernels and the last three 586 kernels, which I'm pretty sure I don't need. The machine seems to run fine whichever I use with no discerable differences.My questions are, what is the difference between the two types, which should I actually use and how do I get rid of the other. It would at the very least reduce bandwidth use when updating.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Difference Between Samba And Ftp?

Jan 18, 2010

difference between samba and ftp? i have checked in google also but exact diff I didn't get.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Difference Between Redhat And Ubuntu Javac Compiler?

Jul 13, 2010

Please tell me the difference between Redhat linux javac compiler and the ubuntu javac compiler.

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Fedora :: Difference Between Normal Partitions And LVM ?

Oct 15, 2009


Originally Posted by diamond_ramsey

I was able to download the Fedora 12 Beta on a i386(32-bit) DVD iso and the install went well and clean.

I`m new to Fedora (but not to Linux generally) and maybe I made some kind of mistake. I`m not quite sure what logical volumes are and I was a little bit scared to use them. I tried to disable logical volumes and put Fedora on my "classical" volumes (partitions) but they looked quite different from what I expected.

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Fedora :: Difference Between 'yum Remove' And 'yum Erase'?

Jan 27, 2010

ABRT 'sucks' Will my system die if I remove abrt* will this work:

yum remove abrt*

and what is the difference between 'yum remove' and 'yum erase' ?

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Fedora Networking :: What Is The Difference Between Wireless-N And -G?

Mar 19, 2010

The other day my 7 year old Belkin-G router packed up and I had to buy a new one. I purchased a ZyGEX wireless-N router that claims to be capable of 300mbs communication on my home network. I have five computers networked and on each of them the network speed is only 5 or 6 mps. The reason I ask this question is while I was only getting 54mps speed with my old router, it was much faster than this one.

I also am asking if anyone knows if the adapter on the laptop or desktop not being compatible with wireless-N could be causing this. Is there anyway to increase network speed in such a situation. I might mention that I am only talking about the speed within my home network, not the broadband download and upload speeds (which is also crap, but not related to this case.)

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Fedora :: Difference Between Init And Telinit

Aug 11, 2010

difference between init and telinit?

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Fedora :: Difference In 15 GNOME And LXDE?

Jul 4, 2011

What is difference between fedora 15 GNOME and fedora 15 LXDE except their interface.(I think their is no difference except their interface). GNOME 3 interface is much better than LXDE but it uses a lot of system resources. If I have F15 GNOME then can i switch from GNOME to LXDE without reinstalling it if yes then how?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Difference Between Source Files And Just RPM?

Nov 29, 2008

What is the difference below these files?

1)Say an application is written and is having source files.
2)A file called source rpm package
3)A rpm package

In case of (1) we need to compile using either the make or if we know using appropriate compiler with proper libs included. Can I know what's the difference between (2) and (3)?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Difference Between Gnome And Kde Desktop?

Jun 3, 2009

difference between gnome adn kde desktop in RedhatEL-4.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Difference Between Two Profile Files?

Jan 20, 2010

There is .profile under my directory and I found another one under /etc/ . I know the first one is the one we edit for path and alias and stuff. but how does it differ from the one in /etc?

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Software :: Difference Between Fedora And Ubuntu (pulseaudio) Volume Controls

Feb 3, 2011

Newer versions of both distributions are using the new pulseaudio volume control (I'm not referring to pavucontrol but the main volume control accessible via the volume icon in the panel). However, even though both distros' versions have the identical interface, they clearly do two different things. I've searched for this topic before and have come up with nothing; makes me wonder why no one else seems to have an issue with this.

For Fedora (12 and up) the main slider for the sound card's volume does just that, although the sliders for individual applications use the same "scale." If I drag an application's slider higher than that for the sound card, the "main" slider moves along with it.

In Ubuntu (Lucid and later) the main slider is the same as Fedora's, but the individual applications are scaled differently. Dragging an individual application's slider all the way to the right (100%) sets the maximum volume of this application to that of the sound card, whatever that happens to be at the moment.

In this respect, Ubuntu's individual sliders are relative to the (arbitrary) value set for the sound card, but Fedora's individual sliders are "hard-wired" to the main slider. I'm wondering if it is possible to make Fedora's volume control behave like Ubuntu's, i.e. is there a configuration setting, or is this designated in the source code? I'm sure there is a heated debate over why things are this way in Fedora, however with the new pulseaudio systems, the minimum value for the main slider for my sound card is pretty loud and this makes most audio unlistenable in Fedora, at least through headphones without an on-board volume control.

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General :: Difference Between Df -k And Du -sh?

May 5, 2011

df -k
/dev/sda6 25396228 21249088 2836240 89% /export
21G used[code].....

The 3.4G is correct because we have removed all non essential file but free space reported by df is not consistent with the actual free space that should be there.

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General :: Difference Between GLX And EGL

Apr 4, 2011

the difference between GLX and EGL?

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General :: Difference Between C And Gcc

Oct 14, 2010

what is the difference between C and gcc...

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General :: Difference Between NIS And NIS+?

Feb 17, 2010

Last week in one of the Interview Dump Papers I read about NIS+. Anyone who can quick reference how the setting up NIS is different from NIS+.

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General :: Difference Between GUI And KDE?

Jul 12, 2011

what is the difference between a GUI and KDE..

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General :: Difference Between SSH And SCP?

Aug 4, 2009

I need to know the exact difference between SCP and SSH can somebody explain please as i am confused as both seem to do the same thing if so let me know what the difference is.

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General :: Difference Between Tty And Pts

Mar 16, 2010

What is the difference between /dev/tty and /dev/pts ??
I google a lot but didn't understand......

Thanks in advance

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General :: What Is The Difference Between |less And |more

Jan 29, 2010

What is the difference between |less and |more ?

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General :: What Is The Difference Between Two ISO's

Apr 12, 2010

I tried to download ISO file and saw ,Download ISO 1 and Download ISO 2 .What is the difference between two ISO's?

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General :: Difference Between An Ubuntu Live And U Install CD?

May 6, 2010

I ordered for an Ubuntu Install CD and obtained a CD by post (Ubuntu 9.10). Is this a Live CD or an Install CD ? What exactly is the definition of a live CD ?

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Fedora :: Packages With An Extension .drpm - Rpm And Difference?

Jun 8, 2009

Am seeing some packages with an extension .drpm. Are these similar to rpm? And whats the difference?

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Fedora :: Difference Between A Package And Its -devel Equivalent?

Mar 19, 2010

Am just wondering what the notion is behind having a package without all needed files, and having a -devel package with the rest. Such that whenever am installing a package fron tarball, and it says it cannot get a package, I always install the -devel equivalent and all gets to be OK. Why dont they just have everything in the original package?

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Fedora :: Difference Between Unmount And Safely Remove

Mar 25, 2010

I have an external HDD which I use under Fedora. After finishing with my work, I unmount all the mounted partitions of the external HDD & then proceed to switch it off. The HDD partitions are unmounted but they are still visible(but not mounted) under computer. The HDD still seems to spin. But when I click on "Safely Remove Drive" they disappear from Computer & also the HDD stops spinning albeit the switch on HDD being powered on. So what should I use "Unmount" or "Safely Remove". What is the difference between the two?

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