General :: Copying Jpegs Recursively While Preserving The Directory Structure?

Aug 9, 2010

So I have a bunch of directories:


which themselves all contain subdirectories:

dir1subdir1subdir2etc.and at the lowest level they contain all of these jpegs that I need. The problem is that I only need some of them. They're named like this:


I want to just grab the ones without the size suffix and copy them all to another set of folders, while preserving the directory structure. The numbering all starts at 1 for each low level subdirectory, so I think that the directory structure is the only way to not get them mixed up.

I know that cp has a recursive option -r but how do I just extract the ones without the underscore? And then how do I preserve the directory structure when I move them over?

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General :: Copy Directory Into Another Preserving Specific Structure?

Jul 20, 2011

I would like to find the command that copy my eclipse options to another workspace code...

It doesn't work, and it could be source of error to write the path .metadata/.plugins manually. It certainly a better idea to create a complete script ?

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General :: Copy File Recursively Ignoring Destination Directory Structure?

Jul 8, 2011

I have the following content on the source directory:


I want copy those files to a destination directory which, after copy, shall look like this:


How can I do this? It seems that "cp" lacks such an option

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General :: Copy Certain File Types Recursively While Maintaining File Structure On Destination?

Jun 14, 2011

I have just been bothered by a fairly small issue for some time now. I am trying to search (using find -name) for some .jpg files recursively. This is a Redhat environment with bash.

I get this job done though I need to copy ALL of them and put them in a separate folder BUT I also need to keep the order intact after copying.

For e.g - If I get a JPG file under /home/usr/new/1/ then the destination also needs to be /test/old/new/1/.

At the moment, I am simply putting all files under /test/old/ and I can't somehow get the later /new/1/ folder path created under /test/old/

I understand this could well be done using while OR if else loop, though if someone can just guide me with a hint, I would be really grateful.

I will complete the rest of the steps and was asking here since I am still not comfortable with the shell/bash scripts yet and planning to be really good at it over the next couple of months.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Preserving Timestamps And Permissions When Copying To Samba-share

May 5, 2010

My samba-shares are mounted in fstab. Everything works fine except for one small issue: when copying files from the local PC to the share the files are copied but the timestamps and permissions of the files are not. Instead a message "operation not permitted" appears. 'root' on the client can copy files WITH timestamp etc, a normal user cannot.

Below the line in fstab on the client and smb.conf on the server.

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General :: Set Up A Directory Structure ?

Jul 16, 2011

i just started dabbling with this Linux program Fedora and i go to school for cpu forencics but havnt reached Linux+ yet.

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General :: Set Directory Structure In Git ?

Jun 24, 2011

I've the following file structure that I would like to add to git.


These are big directories and I don't need them all checked out. I only need the src directory. After I commit the files in the /app/src, it must be pushed to a remote site.

If I want only to checkout the src directory to work on, it's important to create a special file structure in git? For example, instead of doing git init on app general directory, should I do git init on all subdirectories?

Is it possible to checkout only part of a file structure in git?

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General :: How To Recursively Copy Directory Into Another One

Apr 25, 2011

I moved to Mac OS X recently and bumped into the "feature" of Mac where copying files from an external drive resets the file modification/update date/timestamp to the current date (which Windows does not), causing a disaster for my 10+ years of backup work files where date is important. So, before I learned how to avoid that (e.g. using the -p "preserve" flag in the "cp" copy command) I have in the meantime added to my new Mac hard drive many more files as well as updating existing old files.

I have a backup external hard drive with all my old data and proper modification dates. I have a Mac hard drive with reset modification file dates (a single or two particular days). The Mac hard drive has all the "true" and "current" file contents with files modified and added. I need to Copy all the original files from the external harddrive, preserving file metadata (really only modified date), but ONLY overriding the new internal Mac hard drive IF

The file contents (md5 or whatever) is the same or The file was updated after the day (which of course I can see on all files) on which the original disasterous cope was performed (implying the file is new or modified) Ensure the copy leaves all the new and modified files completely intact on the Mac internal hard drive. "No prompting/stopping of the copy of any kind (i.e., not verbose) is required but is o.k". "Recursive copy - obviously I would like to copy all* files folders and subfolders found in export".

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General :: Directory Structure For Building RPM

Mar 20, 2011

My clearly outdated Linux course I'M using is telling me that the directory structure for building RPMs is in /usr/src/redhat, but on my redhat system, there is only /usr/src/ > debug & > kernels, folders.

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General :: Recursively Download An Entire Web Directory?

Feb 3, 2010

i have a web directory that has many folders and many sub folders containing files.

i need to download everything using wget or bash.

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General :: Recursively Count All The Files In A Directory?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a really deep directory tree on my Linux box. I would like to count all of the files in that path, including all of the subdirectories.

For instance, given this directory tree:


If I pass in /home, I would like for it to return 4 files. Or, bonus points if it returns 4 files, 2 directories. Basically, I want the equivalent of right-clicking a folder on Windows and selecting properties and seeing how many files/folders are contained in that folder.

How can I most easily do this? I have a solution involving a Python script I wrote, but why isn't this as easy as running ls | wc or similar?

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General :: Copy Permissions From One Directory Recursively To Another?

May 23, 2011

I have a system where the permissions of many files are messed up. I have another system that has the same files, if I put that hard drive in, without simply overwriting the files, is there a way where I can recursively set the permissions of each file to that of this other directory?

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General :: Get The Last Change Time Of Directory Recursively

May 28, 2011

How can I get the last time any of the files in a directory or its subdirectories has changed?

Dir - changed 1/1/1
Sub Dir 1 - changed 2/1/1
Sub Dir 2 - changed 3/1/1
File 1 - changed 10/1/1
File 2 - change 5/1/1

The output for this for Dir should be 10/1/1 (File 1 was the last modified one). Getting the last file name to be modified is a bonus but isn't necessary.

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General :: Search LDAP Directory Recursively?

Oct 12, 2010

How would the command for recursive search in LDAP look like when I'm searching for "cn" or "ou"?

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General :: Error - Read Only Directory Structure

May 20, 2010

I am using RHEL 4.4. Last time when I reboot my server it generate an error, and mention to run fsck command in repair mode. When I ran, this fix some problems, but after that it generate an error of gdm and X11 services after showing login sceen and getting user name and passwod. But I login via putty from a remote system. So, when I tried to make changes like create directory or file or even tried to make any change in any file it generate an error that " you can not make changes in read only file system".

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General :: Binary Compare Of Directory Structure

Apr 13, 2011

diff has the ability to trasverse directory structures. cmp has the ability to manage binary files.

I'm looking for something which allows me to compare a directory's contents, including files and subdirectories, and so a binary comparison.

Any suggestions, scripts, etc. which may be of help?

Some of my directories are huge, with huge (image) files in them.

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General :: Downloading Files With Same Directory Structure

Apr 8, 2010

How do I download all the files form here: [URL]. I am on freeBSD 7.0 and I tried wget with the -r switch and it gives me URL's only. Maybe this is simply not an ftp site I don't know. How I can download all those files with the same directory structure.

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Ubuntu :: Duplicating Folder Structure And Copying Files

Nov 21, 2010

I'm looking for some way to search a given directory, copy its folder structure to another given directory, and copy from the original only certain files into the newly created directory.Vague, I'm sure. But here's what I'm actually looking for:My music player won't display album art without a "cover.jpg" image in each folder where the files are, but I have Rhythmbox set to only copy the top rated songs. Each file does have its cover embedded in it, but there's also a cover.jpg in each folder.

So I'd like to let Rhythmbox handle the actual song copying, and then have a script or something that I can run that will scan my onboard music directory for cover.jpg files and then place them in the appropriate folders within my music player's folders. Obviously I can't just copy my onboard music directory, or I'm getting *every* song, not just the top-rated, which defeats the purpose of syncing at all.

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General :: Recursively Add Read Privilege To All The Files Under A Certain Directory?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm under linux . by default, other user can't read anything under my home directory. let's see my home directory is /home/superman , and I tried to use

chmod +r /home/superman

to let others can acess files under my home directory , but it does not work .

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General :: Zip -x For A Directory - Subfolder Contents Not Being Excluded Recursively?

Dec 9, 2010

I am attempting to use the zip command with the '-x' option to exclude a folder e.g. 'zip public_html -x public_html/jquery/*'. However, parts of this folder are still being added to the archive. I made a shell script (saved as '' and ran as '.') to do the archiving so I could test adding nested wildards for multiple subfolder levels.


rm -f
zip -r public_html
-x public_html/jquery


Each new line I added here that has the nested wildcards made the archive file size a bit smaller. Adding more /*'s than this didn't affect the file size. Even after all this though, there were still a couple megabytes of files and folders from the 'jquery' directory that were added to the archive.

Here's some examples of files and folders that were created after I unzipped the archive:
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/addons/pager/icons [folder]
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/addons/pager/.svn/entries [file]
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/build/.svn/text-base/js.jar.svn-base [file]

Why is it that despite all the -x lines, the files and folders like these were still being added to the archive? How can I simply recursively exclude the entire public_html/jquery folder from the archive?

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General :: Audio Player That Lists By Directory Structure?

Feb 12, 2010

Amarok is nice, and currently the only thing I've tried that will actually play audio from network shares and not lock up. Only problem is that it doesn't seem to list my library by directory/folder structure.. only album/artist/genre or some variation thereof. Is there anything that does list by folder structure?

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General :: Generate Html Based On Directory Structure?

Jul 22, 2010

does any one knows a linux based program/script that can generate html files based on directory structure?

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General :: Make Rsync Ignore Directory Structure?

Apr 19, 2011

Is there a way to force rsync to not make directories in its destination directory; ie, to simply dump all of the files from the source directory directly into the destination without copying any of the folders that the files were originally in? I tried --no-dirs, but that seems to only be for empty directories.

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General :: Recursively Remove Subdirectories And Files But Not The First Parent Directory?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm able to use the following to remove the target directory and recursively all of its subdirectories and contents. find '/target/directory/' -type d -name '*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf

However, I do not want the target directory to be removed. How can I remove just the files in the target, the subdirectories, and their contents?

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General :: Overwriting Specific Files In Directory Tree Recursively

Jul 19, 2011

I would like to overwrite files in a directory tree, recursively. The ones I would like to overwrite match the filename "x_alpha*.png" and have a size exactly 456 bytes. Is there any way to search for these recursively in a directory tree, and overwrite them with a reference file, for example "e:mydirgood.png"

I am using Windows 7, but I have UnxUtils, so I can use those too. What I am looking for is something like this, generated automatically:
copy /y e:mydirgood.png e:mydiracx_alpha0023.png
copy /y e:mydirgood.png e:mydirefgx_alpha0045.png
copy /y e:mydirgood.png e:mydirhx_alpha0248.png

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General :: Rsync Files Recursively But Place In One Remote Directory?

Jan 29, 2011

i would like to find and backup all *.mp4 files from /Pictures and its sub-directories and move them to a single directory on a remote. I can find and move the files but I don't want the directory structure...just the files to be placed in the remote directory.

To find my files I use

rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh -l user" --delete --include '*/' --include '*.mp4' --exclude '*' /home/drew/Pictures/ remoteserver:/Users/drew/mp4

but this creates all the subdirectories

I also tried

find ~/Pictures -name "*.mp4" -exec rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh -l user" --delete {} remote:/Users/drew/mp4 ;

This works but takes forever

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General :: Compare Directory Structure Without Matching Data In Files

Jul 22, 2010

What is the best and simplest way to compare two directory structures without actually comparing the data in files. This works fine:
diff -qr dir1 dir2
But it's really slow because it's comparing files too. Is there a switch for diff or another simple cli tool to do this?

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General :: Apache Directory Structure With Multiple Hosted Languages

Feb 22, 2011

I will be doing actual development and testing on the same machine as the server. It is a single user machine in the sense that I will be the only one working on the machine. There will be multiple hosted languages, specifically PHP and RoR while possibly expanding later. I'd like the setup to translate well to a production environment. With those 3 things in mind there are a couple of things I've had in the back of mind.Seeing as it's a single user machine I haven't been able to decide whether or not I should be working on things out of my home directory or if they should be located outside of it.I'm feeling that outside of a user directory would be better as it would translate better to a production environment, but I'm also not sure if that will come with any permission annoyances or concerns seeing as I'll be working on the same machine. Hosting multiple languages seems like it may be a bit quirky. With PHP I've found you're generally just dumping the project somewhere in the document root where as something like a Rails app you have the entire project and you only want the public directory in the document root.

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General :: Recommended Directory Structure For Application System Development?

Apr 27, 2010

I have to set up my development environment under OEL 5.4. The internal directory structure is more or less fixed, the question is where to put the whole application tree in standard FHS for the development phase.For production, the system will be deployed on a server where data is kept with an Oracle 11g database. Development goes with JDeveloper which has its own internal application/project directory structure; however, I whould like to be independent from this. Unfortunately, by carefully studying the web for FHS, if I will adhere to it I only find ready-made packages to put under /opt, for example. No development aspects are mentioned. make some proposal, possibly with respect to best practices.

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General :: Creating A Directory Structure - And Setup File Security?

May 15, 2010

jump into a Linux class in college with only 3 weeks left in the course. I thought I would be able to catch on, and go figure, it didn't exactly happen that way. I was given an assignment to do, and I am so far lost it isn't even funny. I need to create a directory structure, set up file security, create a step by step instruction manual on how to copy/delete said files, and create a guide to common Linux commands. How would I create these files in root and share them with the other users? and where can I find a list of common commands and their functions?

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