Fedora Networking :: 4GB Of RAM And 6GB Of Swap Space - CPU Process Normally Don't Occupied More Than 30%

Dec 1, 2010

Whether i am short of memory or some memory corruptions? If so, what can i do? Because i find it hard to believe this is a memory problem when i have 4GB of RAM and 6GB of swap space, and my CPU process normally don't occupied more than 30%

Well my Linux is keep on crashing.


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Ubuntu :: Swap Space Shows 0k But Have Volume Formatted As Swap

Dec 7, 2010

Lucid on an Acer Travelmate800.Can anyone tell me why I have 0k for swap space? I allocated swap which I can see in my Disk Utility's 'volumes' display.

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Fedora :: F11 Uses Swap Space / Cause Of It?

Oct 7, 2009

I'm running fedora 11 on Dell laptop. I find that fedora is using swap space even if memory is available.
Isn't it slower to use swap ?? Or Am I just missing something ?

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Fedora :: Creating Swap Space In 14

Dec 21, 2010

i had to install oracle in my laptop...it required a certain amount of swap space which i didnt have... i tried to create it using the datadump command... dd if=/dev/zero of=/extraswapf bs=1M count=512 i then rebooted and made the swapfile using: mkswap /extraswap i then made the entry in /etc/fstab as follows "/extraswap swap swap default 0 0" and i used the command : swapon /extraswap the swap space was visible after that... but after rebooting the swap space is not visibille

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Networking :: Hypothetical Swap Space That Lives On A Fast Network Drive?

May 8, 2011

Let's say that software is written that treats a network drive as a swap drive.

Further, let's say that this network drive is not a hard drive on the server but it is a chunk of memory treated as a filesystem in other words a ramdisk on the server.

Given the bottleneck of gigabit ethernet that is used for the link, can anyone predict the likely practical bandwidth of this swap drive in MBytes/s, and crucially the latency in milliseconds?

The reason for this imaginary setup is outside the scope of the linuxquestions forums, please answer on the likely performance only.

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Fedora :: Reduce Size Of Swap To Free Up Some Space

Aug 21, 2010

My laptop has 2Gb of ram, 4Gb of swap, 40Gb hdd and an intel pentium 1.40GHz cpu, even when compiling stuff or maxing out everything the 4Gb of swap is never touched, with such a small hdd I'd like to reduce the swap to about 2Gb (just in case) to free up some space, does anyone know what commands/tools are available to accomplish this?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Increase Memory Space Allocated For Process?

Jun 1, 2010

I want to know if i can increase the memory space allocated for a process manually while the process is running ,,,, and if it is possible how i can do this .

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General :: Virtual Space Seen By Each New Process In User Space?

Jun 21, 2010

In a 32-bit system, max memory addressable is 4GB. Now Linux kernel does memory mapping division of 1GB for kernel address space and 3GB for user address space. That means 4GB of virtual address space is divided between kernel (1GB) and user (3GB).

Q1. All virtual mapping utilizes the available physical RAM without any division? I mean to say that if RAM is 512MB then a page in kernel space can lie any where RAM (leave aside old PCI dma accesses)? (How this fits to fact that kernel memory is non-pageble)

Q2. If a process is created in user space, it has visibility 4GB address space or 3GB address space?

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Ubuntu :: Won't Mount Swap Space?

Feb 3, 2010

When i first installed ubuntu about 2 weeks i left about 30gb left for windows vista. I have not used vista at all so i decided to delete it and use the whole hard drive for ubuntu. I got the liveCD out and went into the partition editor on that (i had ubuntu,swap,vista in that order) and deleted the swap space and vista and increased the size of the Ubuntu partition to so there was only 4gb left for swap. I then booted up again from the hard drive and i get this message "one or mounts cannot be mounted" or something to that effect and it talks about the swap partition and offers to boot in recovery mode which does work.Once in recovery mode i go in and try and make swap partition with Disk Utility and i do that and it works. I go to restart Ubuntu to test it out and the same problem happens again, cannot mount swap ect. so i go back into Disk Utility and it now says 4gb Unrecognized instead of swap

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General :: How To Tell Ubuntu To Use Swap Space?

Oct 13, 2009

a friend of mine recently installed Ubuntu in his Laptop however is running really slow. It's Dell 1520 so I don't think the computer is that slow. I think what the problem is that he doesn't have a swap space. ok, I could use GPARTED to resize the HD and create SWAP space but how can I tell the system to permanently use that space?

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General :: Remove The Swap Space Later On?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a rel 5.6 system that we just added more memory to.

1. What is the correct or best way to increase swap?
2. Can I remove the swap space later on?
3. How do you remove it when done?

Our rootvg only has 8G available to it and I want to be sure if i allocate anything out to it I can reclaim when done without having to rebuild the system.

We have to do a lot of data moves so we allocated extra memory to this VM system and now we need to increase swap. I did see several articles in google but they describe using a new swap partition, a swap file and increasing an existing swap space. I am still not sure what is the best way to go knowing this is a temp situation.


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Server :: Does 2.6.37 64-bit Really Swap Space Anymore

Apr 29, 2011

Before I start a flame war, I'd like to qualify my question with...I have a boatload of ram and a VERY thin install.(CLI openSuse 11.4-64) If I'm running the most baseline, text-only-install...and the whole system install is like 2GB or less, and I have 8GB of ram (which I could easily upgrade to 16). At install time...do I really need a swap partition at all? What purpose could a swap serve if I have that much ram in such a trimmed down environment?

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Server :: How To Release Used Swap Space?

Jan 30, 2010

swap space consumed is not released when there is enough main memory. pls advise how to release used swap space.

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Ubuntu :: Help In Creating Swap Space

Mar 10, 2009

I had just installed gparted , not used yet.I have a problem , at the time of installation i havent created necessary swap space , my linux partition contains 30GB with ext2 filesystem..I'm fully having this , but my question is with the above mentioned tool can I recreate swap space from this 30GB , like 20GB as user space and rest 10 as swap space . Can I?

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CentOS 5 :: Swap Space Shows As 8GB Even Though Set To 2GB?

Jun 17, 2009

I have a dual xeon e5420 server w/ 16GB ram running 5.3 x64 that I was trying to partition out in the following configuration:

250GB on / (root)
4.2TB on /home
50GB on /tmp
2GB on swap

The issue is that no matter what size I set the swap space to in anaconda if always shows 8GB when I "df -h". I've tried setting it to 2GB 1GB and 512MB all with the same result.

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CentOS 5 Server :: How To Add Swap Space

Mar 20, 2011

How to add swap space?

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Debian Installation :: Swap Space For 64 Bit Squeeze ?

Oct 31, 2010

I am currently running 32 bit ubuntu in my PC with 2.5 GB RAM, Intel Pentium Dual Core inside. I am coming to debian soon. I will be installing 64 bit squeeze. Now I have 3 GB of swap space. I do satellite image processing. Therefore what is the recommended swap space for me with the kind of work I do. RAM is in very small amount but as of now I have to stay with it.

Also I am interested to know would KDE be an overkill for my machine. Will I run short of memory when I start image processing?

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General :: How To Find Which Programs Are Using Up Swap Space

Jun 10, 2010

How can I figure out which programs are using up swap space? My current memory usage is 2.9GiB out of 3.0GiB used(and I though I had 4GB, I need to check into that) and 1.3Gib of swap used.

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General :: Why Set Swap Space Twice Big As Physical Memory

Sep 12, 2010

When we want to setup a linux system, there is a common a suggestion like set the swap space as twice as big than your physical memory, I want to know why do we need this and how is this suggestion come from?

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General :: Find Out Processes Are Using Swap Space?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a linux server top reports about 9GB of swap used:But I cannot figure where's it use swap, some google results said that top - O commad follow by p will show swap usage by process. But as shown in the above image, taking a brief sum of the SWAP column shows that > 10GB of swap is used, so where does the 9GB figure for swap usage come from? Top reports that about 96492kb of ram is used by buffers. Is there anything I can do to utilize this, instead of using swap?

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Ubuntu :: Increase Swap Space Size?

Oct 7, 2010

I got back to my laptop after dinner and found a blank screen with one line of text saying something about running out of swap space - I tried all kinds of key combinations but nothing worked to bring the desktop back - eventually I pressed and held the power button to shut it down - I suppose this is Ubuntu's version of the "blue screen of death"?I went to System - Disk Utility to make a 2GB free space right after the swap space. Then I tried to make that 2GB free space a swap space partition but it came back with an error

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Ubuntu :: Change The Swap Space Setting?

Nov 25, 2010

How can I add more space to my drive since I only have 1gb of ram and plenty of hard drive space? Right now it does not seem to be utilizing the swap space very efficiently.

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Ubuntu :: Force System To Use Swap Space Instead Of RAM?

Jul 6, 2011

Is there any way to force the system to use swap space instead of RAM? I just upgrade form 512 to 1 gb. And when I installed ubuntu I give the swap space 1gb according to 512mb RAm requirement. Now I have 1 gb. When I use heavy applications i-e firefox, office, any game etc at a time the processing go to 100% and the RAM use 50+% of the memory. No swap memory will be use. Any way to use swap instead of RAM?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Swap Space Need It's Own Partition?

Aug 9, 2011

I am using a Dell Inspiron 580 that I recently recieved as a gift. I wouldn't normally purchase a Dell, but I have no money and it my old computer was WAY past it's prime. After going through a miniature nightmare I now wonder how to create swap space for my ubuntu installation. I am running 10.04, 64 bit. I am having no problems, but I have no swap space. My computer is a new -Intel i3- with 6GB of ram; so I assumed I could worry about getting it installed, then set a swap file later. As I said, it runs well, but i don't feel comfortable with ZERO swap space.

When I installed Ubuntu I already had a problem because Dell had included 2 special partitions that are diagnostic and recovery. This didn't surprise me, but I want to make my system backup less than 100GB, so I shrank the "c:" partition to 100Gb and made the free space "storage":NTFS partition. After backing everything up (before messing with the partitions), I installed Ubuntu. Since I had created the backup that Dell asked me to (the very first time I turned the PC on) as well as my own system image I wasn't concerned.

Using GParted Boot disk I deleted the Dell "Recovery" partition and marked the "C:" drive (COS)) as active. I used a Windows 7 install disk to "repair" the bootmgr problem. Had to run "repair" twice, but it worked.

My question now is: why didn't Ubuntu installation say anything about a swap partition until I had already set up my partitions? I could easily give up a gig or two for swap space but I cannot make a swap partition unless I delete the Dell diagnostic partition (NOT the "recovery" partition; the other hidden one). I don't mind deleting the "recovery" partition because it is backed up, but I would prefer not to delete the "diagnostic/utility" partition, just in case. The 40MB is crap anyway.

It hadn't occurred to me that I would have trouble making swap space. I am used to windows (I am dual booting with GRUB BTW, if that matters) and the swap FILE doesn't need it's own partition. I understand why a separate partition would be better, but unless I can somehow create a logical/extended partition for swap, I need to know what else I can do.

I believe Ubuntu is a better system for many reasons, but little things like this do puzzle me. I am no engineer, or software designer, but I don't understand why I wasn't given an option, such as: You cannot make another primary partition; would you like to use a virtual disk/file as your swap space?"

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Ubuntu :: Partitioning - Adjust Swap Space?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm a first time installer of Ubuntu. I've run it directly from CD a few times earlier, but I'm installing it from the CD for the first time. I've read some stuff about this from other sites, and have some doubts I hope you geniuses would be able to clarify. Situation : My 80GB Primary HDD is partitioned into what I think is 1 Primary partition [10GB] and 1 extended partition [70GB] which is further divided into three logical partitions.

I don't have to worry about other data, since I've got a 320GB External HDD for that. Now, Ubuntu says that it can squeeze the free space out of the Windows Partition. But my Windows partition is pretty full, and I don't want to re-install it on a larger partition. I've got one logical drive [20GB] free on my Primary HDD. Can it be converted into a primary partition without affecting anything else i.e. my Windows partition and the other two logical partitions remain intact ? Or do I have to format my extended partition and subdivide into a primary and extended partition ?

Q2 - How do I adjust swap space ? Does it have to be a primary partition ? Or can it be a logical partition ? To make a logical partition swap space, do I have to reformat my entire extended partition to squeeze out free space, or can it be kept intact? I'm using Ubuntu Hardy Heron. I know it's a lot to read, but I'm pretty confused right now.

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Software :: Excessive RAM / Swap Space Usage

Mar 2, 2009

For some reason, if I leave my Linux box running for several days, the swap space and RAM slowly fill up until my system is so slow that it takes around 15 seconds just to open a new tab if Firefox (Iceweasel, specifically). I have 512GB RAM and almost a gig of swap; how on earth does it fill up so much? Even if I close all my programs, there's still over 600MB swap used and all RAM is full. I've included a screenshot of 'top' running just about two minutes after I closed all my running programs.

(Before I closed it, I had only 71MB swap free.) I know that Linux is supposed to make good usage of RAM, but isn't this over the top? Is there a way to force it to use only required memory with no or little extras kept in RAM? Just thought I'd add in the fact that I'm running Xfce as opposed to KDE or GNOME in an attempt to have a smoother running system on my old hardware. Also, what's the "VIRT" column?

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Red Hat :: System Hangs At Enabling Swap Space?

Sep 21, 2010

if I dont use the oracle script written below, then system start fine, but if I use the following script, then system hangs up at startup at message 'Enabling swap space'. I am using Redhat ES 4, with Oracle 10g R2.

vi /etc/init.d/oracle
# Run-level Startup script for the Oracle Instance and Listener


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CentOS 5 :: Swap Space Going Back To 0kB After Reboot?

Sep 22, 2010

I had Oracle install on my machine and there were some ASM partitions. after uninstall of oracle some how it removed the swap space and now is showing:


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Fedora Installation :: 10 - WDE And Dual-Boot - Boot Sector Is Occupied By WDE Software (TrueCrypt)

May 17, 2009

I currently have XP installed on a NetBook (Samsung NC10), and would like to run Fedora on it. I'm currently looking at putting Fedora onto a flash memory card to test it works OK on the hardware, before installing it to the hard disk. The problem I've got is that the boot sector is occupied by WDE software (TrueCrypt). Will this pose a problem for dual-booting XP with Fedora, or will GRUB move the boot loader in the usual way?

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General :: Bringing Pages For A Particular Process Out Of Swap?

May 21, 2010

I'd like to know if it's possible to bring pages from a particular process into main memory, or to set parameters for a given process, or class of process so that it will not be swapped out.

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