Fedora Installation :: Preupgrade Outputs Unknown Programs - No Plugin Match

Nov 17, 2010

Have great F13. Step 1 in upgrade:to F14
[root@localhost ~]# preupgrade
Loaded plugins: blacklist, whiteout
No plugin match for: rpm-warm-cache
No plugin match for: remove-with-leaves
No plugin match for: auto-update-debuginfo
[root@localhost ~]#
What do I do about the no plugin matches???

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Programming :: Compare Two Md5sum Outputs To See If The Files Match?

Nov 5, 2010

I would like to compare two md5sum outputs to see if the files match. in my script I have


MD5_ORIG=$(md5sum -b "$ORG_FILE")


How do I get just the MD5 hash and not the */.... stuff so I can compare them. i tried Code: JUST_HASH=${$MD5_ORIG:0:32} but All I get is

dir_mon_notify.sh: line 79: ${$MD5_ORIG:0:32}: bad substitution

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Fedora Installation :: Using Preupgrade To Go From F 9 To F 10

Feb 22, 2009

I'm not an early adopter; i prefer to wait and see, and let others suffer the new distro's teething troubles. Finally, I decided to try preupgrade. I was a little astonished to find that it doesn't install itself to any menu, but that's OK. I ran it as root, and went on with what I was doing while it got ready. Eventually it prompted me to reboot and I did.

I'd like to say that everything went fine, and in about an hour, I had a working system with no glitches. Alas, that would be a lie. Not only did it change all my customized system sounds (with no apparent way of getting back what I want; the new sounds aren't selectable.) it replaced my carefully-tweaked fstab with one of its own. This mean that several partitions that I don't want mounted were. Not only that, in some cases right-click and unmount got a message that the partition wasn't mounted, even though I could browse it. I had to open a terminal and manually unmount them, followed by copying back my fstab to keep this from happening again.

While doing this, I learned that the arrow keys on my keyboard don't work right, with the up arrow mapped to screen shot, and the Enter key by the number pad disabled. I'm still working around that one.

Worst was that Firefox wouldn't open. Trying it from a terminal, I learned that it couldn't start XCOM. Weird.

I tried a system update, but the livna issue popped up. By good luck, I knew enough to locate the appropriate file and disable it. Yumex has been spending over four hours, downloading and installing more updates than preupgrade did, by almost 100%.

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Fedora Installation :: Run Preupgrade To Go From F12 To F13?

Jun 9, 2010

failure: repodata/3a2a6da78e69f9b2608b1c399561b99073baa86b5454618459 ceecb79d58da09-filelists.sqlite.bz2 from preupgrade-updates: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

I receive this error when I run try to run preupgrade to go from F12 to F13.

It's definitely not an issue with my internet connection, I'm running this from a college campus with a 150mbps connection.

I've tried running it 3 times now, and get this every time. It also gives me the error about not enough space on the boot partition, so I press continue there to move on.

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Fedora Installation :: Preupgrade From FC8 To FC11?

Oct 14, 2009

it's possible to use preupgrade to go directly from FC8 to FC11.

Also, I'm wondering if this will allow me to avoid formatting my hard drive or not. I'll have backups ready just in case, but was hoping maybe I could get away with not having to do the old two-step shuffle with all my data.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From F9 To F11 Using Preupgrade-cli?

Oct 17, 2009

I went to upgrade my daughters machine that was running F9 using preupgrade-cli after having issues with mirrors timing out it finally completed the first part with the notification install will start once you reboot. so I rebooted the machine and when it rebooted the grub menu came up with the F9 install selected but with an option for the F11 Upgrade I choose the upgrade and it starts and I see the installation screen with the stop watch and all of a sudden the comp restarts now at the grub menu again and there is no option for F11 upgrade so I boot into F9 try to run it again and it throws a bunch of errors about the rpm database... Encountering this before i run

rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
rpm -vv --rebuilddb
yum clean all

but yum just blows errors now and if I run rpm -qa it returns nothing. Is there any recovering from this? or should I back up the home dirs and do a fresh install? this is the output of the rebuild


D: rebuilding database /var/lib/rpm into /var/lib/rpmrebuilddb.2367
D: creating directory /var/lib/rpmrebuilddb.2367
D: opening old database with dbapi 3


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Fedora Installation :: Preupgrade To F12 Fails?

Nov 19, 2009

I tried a pre-upgrade last night and after downloading 7GB of stuff over night, (don't ask me why it was that much) I rebooted.

Everything looked okay until I got an error message that said that /mnt/sysimage/... (I can't remember exactly what the error message was, sorry) what did not have enough space and needed 19MB more to install the upgrades.

Now, this system quad boots between Fedora, XP, Vista and 7 with grub being the intial boot loader giving me the option of Fedora or the Windows bootloader.

What I don't understand is why the installer (anaconda?) is having a fit about space when I have 8GB RAM and the system partitions are >10GB in size.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 (Preupgrade) - Cannot Seem To Get Any Sound?

Nov 19, 2009

I upgraded to fedora 12 from fedora 11 with the preupgrade tool and all went very well at first try. But now I can't seem to get any sound from anything! I'm using KDE (for the past few years ) and my system in running on an ASUS Z91F.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgraded From F11 To F12 Using Preupgrade?

Jan 8, 2010

I did have F11 on my laptop all running smoothly and everything which is good. But now I've updated from F11 using the preupgrade tool which for what I could see everything downloaded and installed ok, that was until the reboot after the install had completed after seemingly loading F12 it left me with a black screen with a blinking cursor so after a few more reboots with the same out come I decided to see what the loading was stopping at and this is what it came up with


Welcome to Fedora
Press 'I' to enter interactive startup.
Starting udev: [ OK ]
Setting Hostname Fireline.Yuki: [ OK ]
mdadm: No arrays found in config or automatically


And it stops loading after "Starting atd: [ OK ]" I am going to try a CD install either tomorrow or the day after then I'll go back to F11 depending if it works or not.

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Fedora Installation :: F10 Preupgrade - PC Keeps Rebooting

Apr 11, 2010

I upgraded to Fedora 10 using preupgrade. It installed fine and everything loaded fine. Unfortunately the mouse would not work so I restarted my laptop. Now Fedora won't load at all the PC just turns on then keeps rebooting itself. I really want to avoid using the recovery disk. How to rectify?

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Fedora Installation :: F12 To F13 Preupgrade Crash?

Jun 12, 2010

I tried upgrade with dvd media and preupgrade from F12 but in both cases there is anaconda exception. I have dual boot windows xp (/dev/sda1) and F12 (/dev/sda2).

sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda:
Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xa070b627


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Fedora Installation :: How Much Space For PreUpgrade?

Jun 16, 2010

I know this has been covered a lot but it seems as though there should be a definitive answer and I have yet to find one.How much free space in /boot is required to make preupgrade work? I have 173M, which according to the figures I've seen should be enough, but the preupdate client still complains. Any workarounds? I have already tunefs'ed and deleted old kernels.

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Fedora Installation :: Updating From F10 To F13 Via Preupgrade?

Aug 21, 2010

I have downloaded all packages and prepared to update my laptop (Lenovo 3000 N200, F10 x86_64) from F10 to F13 via preupgrade. Everything works fine, until I reboot and go into the upgrade process.

The problem is at the screen which configs NetworkManager. It shows only two interfaces, eth0 and wlan0, but I use a 3G dongle to connect to the internet. I tried feeding random values for the fields, but it does not allow to go beyond without configuring NetworkManager first.

can I work around the upgrade process without configuring NetworkManager? ie. can I do that manually after installing the upgrade?

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From F12 To F14 Using PreUpgrade?

Nov 17, 2010

today i've tried to PreUpgrade from f12 to f14. In the past i preferred always begin with a fresh install, removing abruptly the preivious one with a CLEAN FRESH installation. (I think it's the best procedure). However i wanted exeperiment with this soution giving it one, two, three N+1 chances. So this is my first up-grade (or "double" upgrade).

My system is
RAM 1024 MB
Video: NVidia
O.S. F12
Desktop: GNOME only (removed unused KDE app)


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Fedora Installation :: Which Is Better - Preupgrade Or DVD Upgrade

May 2, 2011

I plan on upgrading my F14 system to F15. Which is better? Using the preupgrade approach or using the F15 DVD and doing update from the DVD?

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From F12 To F15 Using Preupgrade?

Jul 1, 2011

I'm trying to upgrade from Fedora 12 to Fedora 15 using preupgrade, but it seems to crash, I also tried going to Fedora 13 instead, but got similar errors. Here's the output to the command line. Let me know if there are logs anywhere that it would be helpful to provide. I replaced all the urls with "URL" to appease the forum's spam filters.

[yashabk@localhost ~]$ sudo preupgrade
Loaded plugins: blacklist, dellsysidplugin2, kernel-module, whiteout
No plugin match for: rpm-warm-cache
No plugin match for: remove-with-leaves
No plugin match for: presto
preupgrade-main (mirrorlist)


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Fedora Installation :: Message While Running Preupgrade To F11

Jun 17, 2009

I was about to "preupgrade" (as I have, previously, used successfully) to F11 . While in terminal, I go to run preupgrade & I see the following:

/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/__init__.py:181: UserWarning: Use .preconf instead of passing args to _getConfig
warnings.warn('Use .preconf instead of passing args to _getConfig')
Loaded plugins: blacklist, refresh-packagekit, whiteout

I have used Fedora since Fedora 5 or6, can't remember. Learning as I went, but I still don't know much. My electronic abacus has: Intel 865GBF motherboard, 2.0G of memory, P4 / 2.4Ghz processor, the on board Intel graphics, 73 GB available on HDD. Currently using Fedora 10.

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Fedora Installation :: Preupgrade Does Not Work After Crash

Nov 19, 2009

I was running preupgrade and while it was downloading packages the system was suspended and then shut off. When I brought it back up and tried to run preupgrade again it would not finish the download it just said 'Download complete. Reboot.' So I did bit nothing happened. I tried running it again but still nothing.

I then ran 'yum clean all' and then tried preupgrade again and then it tried to download again but once it goes to the download part it just says its done and says to reboot.

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Fedora Installation :: Nautilus Does Not Work After Preupgrade To F12 From F11

Nov 20, 2009

I did preupgrade and no i have no desktop icons and my right mouse button does not give menu on desktop and if i try to launch nautilus i get this error ->

corey@coreyhome:~$ nautilus (nautilus:20177): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. corey@coreyhome:~$

i noticed that my %gconf.xml in .gconf/gnome/desktop was zero bytes and since i replaced it now i get a picture on my desktop. before i did not get a picture.

my .xsession-errors has 1000+ of this

if i grep -v out these errors i get

(gnome-panel:4995): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: invoking IsSupported() failed for remote volume monitor with dbus name org.gtk.Private.HalVolumeMonitor: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.


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Fedora Installation :: Preupgrade F12 Kernel Panic

Nov 22, 2009

tried preupgrade to F12 got uncompression error kernel panic-not syncing VFS unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0). H.

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Fedora Installation :: Way To Exclude Packages From Preupgrade?

Nov 25, 2009

I was hoping to exclude two packages from preupgrade like Firefox for instance

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Fedora Installation :: Clean Up Failed Preupgrade?

Dec 16, 2009

I got the /boot is to small error when I tried the preupgrade from FC 11 to 12. I would like to clean out all the installation files and try again with the recommended fixes. Preupgrade just reboots the box no and restarts FC11 up so I need to start over fresh.

Where are all the files that I need to clean up for the preupgrade?

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Fedora Installation :: Package 'inconsistencies' After Preupgrade From F12 To F13?

Jun 22, 2010

after preupgrade f12 >> f13 many *.fc12 packages remain installed. If I remove them and try to install again only the fc12 package is to be installed. Here some output:

[~]# uname -a
Linux phobos #1 SMP Fri Jun 11 09:38:12 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[~]# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: aliases, auto-update-debuginfo, changelog, download-order, downloadonly, fastestmirror, filter-data, fs-snapshot, keys, langpacks, list-data, local, merge-


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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From F12 To F13 Via Preupgrade Tool?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying to upgrade from F12 to F13 via preupgrade tool.The tool appears to be divided into 5 actions.

(1) Download release info
(2) Download installer images
(3) Determine wich packages to download
(4) Download packages
(5) Prepare and test upgrade

The tool has a tip too : "Tip: If you quit right now, your download will continue the next time you run this assistant." Well, after a long night, the tool runs until the almost finish of step 4. Then, the connection goes out, and i decided to continue in the following day. I just closed the tool and shutdown.

In the next day, i restarted preupgrade. But the application restarts from the very beginning of step 1.But, i think, the step 2 is very heavy. The file "install.img" is very very big. Re-download it is not desired.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade F11 System To F13 Using Preupgrade-cli?

Jul 26, 2010

I want to upgrade my F11 system to F13 using preupgrade-cli. Can I do that directly, or should I first upgrade to F12 and then to F13?

I have read elsewhere that Anaconda can skip one but not two versions, is that correct? If so, I assume that moving directly from F11 to F13 is OK, right?

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Fedora Installation :: Preupgrade Does Not Upgrade Without Grub?

Nov 9, 2010

I've run the preupgrade twice and both times I'm told that everything is perfect, all I have to do is reboot. When I reboot, nothing happens.
Theory: I'm using Fedora with Ubuntu and GRUB2. I never allowed Fedora to install GRUB. I'm guessing that the preupgrade would normally alter GRUB so that I could continue the upgrade process. However, GRUB isn't there.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade F12 To F14 Fails Using Preupgrade?

Nov 26, 2010

The upgrade using yum and preupgrade fails

after reboot of the system

-> retrieve install image, ok
-> examine storage (or similar), ok
-> transfer install image to disk, ok
-> dependency check in install packages, ok
-> start installation process, ok
-> preparing to install

=> there was an error running yout transaction for the following reason(s): insufficient diskspace

you need more space on the following filesystems: 1089 M on unfortunately not more information displayed. only exit possible. Any experiences with this kind of behaviour? Many thanks for any feedback.

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Fedora Installation :: F13 To F14 Preupgrade Failed / Get It To Work?

Jan 9, 2011

Yesterday upgrading from F13 to F14, preupgrade failed on VirtualBox repository (it was about 80%).
I had to reset the machine, booting the old kernel, removing the repository and launching preupgrade again.
It was successful, but I have A LOT (almost every package) of duplicates.

After different yum remove / package-cleanup --orphans / package-cleanup --cleandupes, it seems that everything is working fine. code...

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Fedora Installation :: Yum Preupgrade Release Version?

Jan 21, 2011

I have an F14 system which was created by preupgrade in two stages from an F12 system. I had a couple of preupgrade crashes along the way, but was able to resolve them and the installation appears to be working fine except for some minor yum problems. Yum appears to be confused about which release it is at. It has a number of 'fedora-release' packages installed:

Installed Packages
fedora-release.noarch 12-2 @updates
fedora-release.noarch 13-1 installed
fedora-release.noarch 14-1 installed


If I include --releasever=14 in each yum operation, things seem to work normally. However if I leave this out, every yum operation creates hundreds of 'duplicate package' messages, and fails to proceed. I assume if I could remove the outdated release packages, the problem would be resolved - but I haven't been able to find how to do this.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade Using Preupgrade Tool?

Feb 23, 2011

I have just attempted to upgrade my system from fedora 12 to fedora 13 using the preupgrade tool. It seemed to go through fine and eventually asked me to reboot, which I duly did. Does anyobe know if there is any way I can confirm that the upgrade was indeed performed successfully? When I use yum to install packages it is still installing fc12 packages, not fc13. Does this mean the upgrade did not work or do I simply need to manually update the repository conffiguration?

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