Debian Configuration :: Overwrite The Default $PATH Variable
Jan 18, 2011Some idiot (namely me) managed to overwrite the default $PATH variable for a Debian box of mine. I think I've successfully recreated it:
Some idiot (namely me) managed to overwrite the default $PATH variable for a Debian box of mine. I think I've successfully recreated it:
I have been trying to change my PATH environment variable to no avail. I am using Jessie i386 with MATE. Using my .bashrc file works but not well because with subshells the modifications get repeated. I want the change to occur on login.
I tried modifying ~/.profile ~/.bash_profile /etc/profile and /etc/environment and one or two others but in no case did my change get picked up even after logging out and in again and even after rebooting. I searched the Internet and found each of the above places to make the change but they don't seem to work with Jessie.
Where do I make the necessary change?
Experimenting with shell variables, accidentally deleted the path variable how could I return to the original path value. What kinds of problems will I have if I don't have a path variable.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to add a path to PATH variable permanently so that it remains persisent even after closing shell and rebooting the system when i added a path, to variable it remained there as long as i didn't closed the shell. but when i reopened it ,changed were undone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to figure out how i can add the path /usr/sbin/ into the $PATH variable. I want this to be used from the normal account. I am bored settinh this manualy each time my computer starts.
View 2 Replies View RelatedA week ago I opened this thread viewtopic.php?f=17&t=61580 in "Board index ‹ Help ‹ Installation" and asked for a moderator to move this to here. Because it hasnt happened up to know, I am reopening the thread here. It would be reeeeally great if somebody could help me with my problem!
I own two computers, one netbook and one laptop. I want to boot my netbook as a diskless client via PXE.I set up a dhcp-, tftp and nfs-server on my laptop but when i boot my netbook, the follwoing messages are displayed:(to make it more clear, i uploaded the whole output and shortened the output below)
I edited /etc/profile to look like:
# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for the Bourne shell (sh(1))
# and Bourne compatible shells (bash(1), ksh(1), ash(1), ...).
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
When i type env, it just shows: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin It also shows JAVA_HOME, CLASSPATH and others were set up. Trying to get updatetool in glassfish usable for any user and during any session. I did the export command in a shell, and it worked, but not after closing the session. how to do environment variables.
Since I got the liquorix kernel installed on my machine I got an error of setting kernel variable error. net.ipv6.bindv6only at boot time, since it wasnt a big deal I never looked further into it, but now that I had some spare time and I didnt want to see any errors on my machine I found a solution for it, with a little googling all we need to do is read the /usr/share/doc/procps/README.Debian and bingo no more error i hope this help anyone else with the same problem. I did the 3rd suggestion on that file to load the module in /etc/modules cheers.
View 4 Replies View RelatedBy mistake I have modified the PATH variable you know what a kind of mess it is.
echo $PATH
I just need to set the path variable again so I just need the format. Or can anybody come up with how to set the path variable.
I have just installed Ubuntu onto my machine and my question is if it automatically comes with the PATH environment variable?If so, how do I add something such as python.exe to the PATH environment variable?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to set PATH environment variables so they will be set every tie I startup ubuntu. Is there a startup script that will do this, and where is it located?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was changing my sudoers file to give permission of using "sudo" command to all root commands, asking for the password. It works, it's fine. The problem I'm having is with the variable PATH to my user, I think.
In terminal:
normal user:
ataias@ataias-notebook:~/Downloads$ echo $PATH
super user:
root@ataias-notebook:~# echo $PATH
As many commands are in /sbin/, root can use them without writing "/sbin/" but I can't do the same cause it's not in my path.
while root do this:
shutdown -h now
I should do:
sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now
and I want to use only
sudo shutdown -h now
I want to change my user's path variable to make it equal to root's path. how to change it? I don't know many things of shell still.
I want to add my current working directory to the PATH variable and make it permanant in my .bash_profile so I can run my testscript without using the ./ charactors.can this be done?
View 5 Replies View RelatedOne of my colleague ran into trouble with setting up of path variable.
Earlier the entry for PATH in /etc/profile was:
Now what he mistake is:
He added a new Lines at the end as
Now due to this he is unable to run commmands now because that has overwritten the earlier PATH varaible.
If he types now:
It shows:
set the PATH environment variable?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI didn't find this question in the FAQ or through the Search button.I added a server application and would like to update the PATH env't variable so that I don't have to type the full path for its binaries. I'd like to make sure I do it right: Do I just need to edit /etc/profile or is there another file somewhere in CentOS that I should use instead?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to add a path (/usr/sys) to the global $PATH. I will use this to test commands and scripts, which I don't want to be mixed up with regular commands. I've added the path to /etc/environment. When I start a terminal session under my user account, the path is included in the $PATH variable. However, when I start a root terminal, it is not. Is there a way to to change $PATH on one place where it will also affect the root terminal, or do I have to change it on 2 locations?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOriginally Posted by Gekitsuu you should be able to do NEWSTRING=$STRING1$STRING2 it works but i can't use it for creating a path variable / file name.
$STRING1 = path
$STRING2 = filename
cat $STRING1$STRING2 will not work.
so how to get this working?
I tried to install JRE to my remote Suse 11 SP1 linux.After i finished with files i typed like
export PATH=<my jre path>
now i have no bash commands - typing ls causes
-bash: ls: command not found
i think that i should re-export my PATH to the right value but i don't know what it should be. I tried differend values
What steps have to be followed for having customized contents of PATH environment variable whenever new users are created? I require this in order to include a special directory into PATH variable; and this has to be a default one for all the newly created users.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have downloaded java and installed it with chmod +x and then ./bin package.
Hereunder is an output from CLI (putty)
I understand that the system knows the java is in a wrong place but if I do java -version it finds it correctly. I don't know and I don't understand how do I need to tell the OS that the java is somewhere else, I just did that with export java home and java path but still dosen't work, it keep tells when I do whereis java "java: /usr/share/java"
Here is another output:
I'm having a strange issue with the PATH variable when running the command 'sudo su'. When executing this command the PATH variable changes. No problems there, but it changes to:
Looking at this, there are two weird entries (//sbin and //bin) which should both start '/usr' instead. I'm not sure how I've managed to change this, or how a piece of software I'm using has done it (more likely it was me I expect), but could anyone suggest which file to look in to correct it? If it makes a difference the machine is running CentOS 5.
Looking to add lines to these files that echos date/time pwd and who am I to a log file so I can see if they ever get altered.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to pass a path as a string to an array, but its evaluating it as a command instead. I want to take the literal string "/mnt/accounts/user/temp/*.jpg" and assign it to an array{1}, but when i echo the array variable, it displays it as
I just want it to be the actual text "/mnt/accounts/user/temp/*.jpg" which i will be combining with other text to create a longer path elsewhere in the code.
I'm trying to install Go (programming language):
The installation was OK, but I can't find where the PATH variable is set for 10.10 netbook remix.
~$ echo $PATH
I get this every time I try to run a game eg pacman Command 'pacman' is available in '/usr/games/pacman' The command could not be located because '/usr/games' is not included in the PATH environment variable. pacman: command not found
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am Just trying to set the Environmental variable using a script file and my code is as follows:
echo $PATH
export PATH
echo Environmental Variable path is Set
echo $PATH
When I am running the above script, from the last line "echo $PATH" I am getting that /opt/bin has been appended to the PATH but again when I am typing echo $PATH in the terminal I am not getting the newly appended path.
I want to know from which configuration file , will apache take the environment variables ? In one of the test.php file , I added phpinfo() and saw that, PATH variable shows :
I want to add another path in this PATH variable. I tried to edit the /etc/environment file , ~/.profile file , stopped and started the apache server (httpd) , but still I am not able to see the PATH variable updated . Can anyone please help me out to know where should I make the changes to get the PATH variable updated ?
I am using CentOS5.5 & everytime it is showing command not found. If I export the path as below it will be working fine until a reboot. Again same error i.e command not found if I open new terminal. Every time I am exporting as below:
#export PATH=/sbin/:$PATH
#export PATH=/usr/sbin/:$PATH
#export PATH=/usr/bin/:$PATH
#export PATH=/bin/:$PATH
How can I set these permanently as that the paths should automatically be exported for everyone user whenever the system boots. And command completion also should happen for eg. #fdi (press tab), then it should show available options such as fdisk, etc.
I installed java in my pc by running the following on the shell
I need to set the path to the bin directory and also a new environmental variable JAVA_HOME.